Schedule K-37 - Kansas Disabled Access Credit Page 2

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LINE 4 – If you are claiming this credit for alterations made to
The disabled access credit under K.S.A. 79-32,175 et seq. is
your personal residence or to the personal residence of a
available to individual and business taxpayers that incur certain
lineal ancestor or offspring, complete PARTS B and D of this
expenditures to make their property accessible to the disabled.
credit schedule. If you are claiming this credit for alterations
The property must be an existing building, facility, or equipment
made to an existing business facility or to business
located in Kansas and used in a trade or business or held for
equipment, complete PARTS C and D.
the production of income OR the property must be a personal
dwelling located in Kansas. The credit is taken in the taxable
LINE 5 – Enter the current tax year.
year in which the modifications are completed.
LINE 6 – Enter the total expenses incurred in making your
To qualify for this credit, the specifications for making a
personal dwelling or that of a lineal ancestor or descendant
building/facility accessible and usable by the disabled must be
accessible to the disabled incurred in this tax year.
in conformity with Title I and Title III of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 USCA 12101 et seq. and 28 CFR Part
LINE 7 – Using your Kansas Adjusted Gross Income from line 3
36 and 29 CFR 1630 et seq. As used here, facility does not
of Form K-40, enter the applicable percentage from this table.
include new construction or any addition made to an existing
Kansas Adjusted
Percentage of
facility, except a principal dwelling.
Gross Income
But not over:
eligible for credit:
Principal dwelling: K.S.A. 79-32,176 provides that the principal
dwelling credit include a taxpayer’s principal dwelling or the
principal dwelling of a lineal ascendant or descendant, including
the construction of a small barrier-free living unit attached to the
principal dwelling.
Qualified Expenditures: Only the expenditures that will make
an existing facility accessible to individuals with a disability by
removing or facilitating an existing architectural barrier qualify
for the credit. Expenditures to modify or adapt an existing facility
LINE 8 – Allowable expenditures. Multiply line 6 by line 7.
or equipment in order to employ individuals with a disability are
also eligible for the credit.
LINE 9 – If this is the first year you are claiming this credit, enter
Construction expenditures incurred for making a principal
the lesser of line 8 or $9,000 in the first column. Also enter this
dwelling accessible to individuals with a disability are eligible
amount on the appropriate line of Form K-40 or Form K-41.
for the credit. Any part of any expense paid or incurred in
LINE 10 – If this is the second, third or fourth year you are claiming
connection with the new construction or substantial renovation
the credit enter the lesser of line 9 or the amount of the carry
of a business facility or the normal replacement of depreciable
forward available from your prior year’s Schedule K-37 in the
property does NOT qualify for this credit.
appropriate column.
Required Documentation: You must enclose the following
LINE 11 – Enter the amount of your Kansas income tax liability
with Schedule K-37:
after deducting all tax credits other than this credit.
– Detailed description of the alterations made.
LINE 12 – Credit used in this tax year. Enter amount from line 9
– Copy of itemized invoice from contractor who completed
or line 11, whichever is less.
the work or copy itemized invoice of materials used to
LINE 13 – Refundable portion of this credit. Subtract line 11 from
complete job if completed by the taxpayer.
line 9.
– Schedule showing computation of amounts entered on
lines 19a or 20a.
LINE 14 – If this is the first year you are claiming this credit, enter
the lesser of line 9 or $9,000 in the first column. If this is the
second, third or fourth year you are claiming the credit, enter
the amount from line 10 in the appropriate column.
If line 11 (tax liability for current year) of this schedule is
LINE 1 – Indicate if the alterations are in compliance with the
$2,250 or more, skip lines 15 and 16, enter zero on line
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If “No,” you do not
17 and calculate line 18.
qualify for the credit. Important: Enclose a detailed description
LINE 15 – This is the percentage of the disabled access credit
of the modifications made with this schedule along with all
eligible for refund.
applicable receipts. If the alterations were made to the
residence of a lineal ancestor or descendant, include their
LINE 16 – Multiply line 14 by line 15 only if your tax liability reported
name and relationship to you in this detailed description.
on line 11 is less than $2,250.
LINE 2 – Enter the address of the residence, facility or equipment
LINE 17 – Subtract line 11 from line 16 (cannot be less than
on which you are claiming the credit.
zero). Enter this amount on the appropriate line of your return.
LINE 3 – Enter the month, day and year the alterations were
LINE 18 – Subtract the sum of lines 12 and 17 from line 14
completed to make the dwelling, facility or equipment
(cannot be less than zero. This amount will be entered on next
year’s Schedule K-37 as a carry forward from a prior year.
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