Form Dr-72-2 - Declaration Of Taxable Status - Trailer Camps, Mobile Home Parks, And Recreational Vehicle Parks Page 2


Declaration of Taxable Status -
R. 06/13
Trailer Camps, Mobile Home Parks, and Recreational Vehicle Parks
Business/Facility Name _______________________________________________________________________________
Owner Name ________________________________________________________________________________________
Owner Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
Owner City __________________________________________ State ______________ZIP Code ___________________
Telephone #___________________________________ Email address ________________________________________
Certificate or Business Partner Number: ________________________________________________________________
Location Address (if different than above): ______________________________________________________________
Address City ________________________________________ State ______________ ZIP Code __________________
The above named facility is a:
Trailer Camp
Mobile Home Park
Recreational Vehicle Park
I have determined that the rental spaces at the named facility is:
Exempt under Section 212.03(7)(c), F.S.
Taxable under Section 212.03, F.S.
I previously filed Form DR-72-2 with the Florida Department of Revenue on _________________________(date)
and declared the above named facility exempt from the transient rental taxes.
This determination was made in accordance with the provisions of section 212.03(7)(c), F.S., and Rule 12A-1.061,
Florida Administrative Code.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing Declaration and that the facts stated in it are
__________________________________________ _____________________________________ ___________________
Signature of Authorized Person
Mail This Completed Form to:
Account Management MS 1-5730
Florida Department of Revenue
5050 W Tennessee ST
Tallahassee FL 32399-0160


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