Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary (QSub)
Attach to Form 100S.
Parent S corporation name
California corporation number or FEIN
QSubs Included in Parent S Corporation’s Form 100S
Name of QSub
Federal employer
Effective date of
Date of QSub
Amount of
federal QSub
annual tax
QSub annual
tax paid
General Information
items of income, deduction, and credit will be
Enter the effective date of the federal
included in the parent’s return and the QSub
QSub election made for the subsidiary in
For taxable years beginning on or after
will not be filing a separate California franchise
column (d). An election made by the parent
January 1, 1997, California law has conformed
or income tax return.
S corporation under Internal Revenue Code
to the federal treatment of Qualified Subchapter
Section 1361(b)(3) to treat a corporation as
S Subsidiaries (QSub), with certain exceptions.
Specific Instructions
a QSub for federal purposes is treated as a
A QSub is subject to an annual tax of $800
binding election for California purposes. A
Enter the name of the parent S corporation,
which is paid by the S corporation’s parent.
separate election cannot be filed for California.
the S corporation’s California corporation
See Form 100S, S Corporation Tax Booklet,
If the effective date falls on a date other than
number, seven digits, or the federal employer
General Information DD, Qualified Subchapter
the first day of the subsidiary’s taxable year,
identification number (FEIN), nine digits.
S Subsidiary (QSub), for more information.
the subsidiary must file a short-period return
QSubs Included in Parent S Corporation’s
An S corporation parent must complete
if it was subject to tax in California prior to the
Schedule QS, Qualified Subchapter
Form 100S
effective date.
S Subsidiary (QSub) Information, and attach
Enter the information for each QSub whose
The S corporation parent is required to pay
it to the Form 100S, California S Corporation
items of income, deduction, and credit
$800 annual tax for each QSub it owns that
Franchise or Income Tax Return, for each
are required to be included in the parent’s
is incorporated, qualified, or doing business
taxable year in which a QSub election is in
Form 100S. In column (a), enter the name
in California. The QSub annual tax is due
of each QSub included in this return. If the
and payable when the S corporation’s first
QSub has or had a California corporation
estimated tax payment is due. If the QSub is
number, enter the number in column (b). If
acquired during the taxable year, the QSub
Schedule QS is used by the S corporation
the QSub has or had a FEIN, enter the number
annual tax is due with the S corporation’s next
in column (c). If the QSub does not have a
parent of a QSub to inform the Franchise Tax
estimated tax installment. Enter the date of
Board (FTB) of the QSub(s) it owns. This
California corporation number or a FEIN, enter
payment in column (e) and amount of QSub
schedule notifies the FTB that the QSub’s
annual tax paid in column (f).
Form 100S Booklet 2015 Page 39