Schedule K-64 - Kansas Business Machinery And Equipment Credit Page 2


Using your paid receipt from the county treasurer, enter the
K.S.A. 79-32,206 provides a tax credit against the income tax,
amount of personal property tax timely paid on qualifying business
privilege tax, and insurance company premiums tax for personal
machinery and equipment. Do not include any additional tax
property taxes paid. The credit is 25% of the personal property
incurred due to filing penalties. If the receipt does not provide all
taxes timely paid in the tax year. The property tax must have been
the information necessary to complete Part A, obtain the personal
timely paid during the tax year for which the credit is taken. The
property valuation notice and/or contact your county appraiser
amount of credit that exceeds the tax liability will be refunded.
for a breakdown.
Partners, Shareholders or Members: If you are a partner,
“Qualifying machinery and equipment” means commercial and
shareholder or member in more than one business qualifying for
industrial machinery and equipment required to be listed for
this credit, enclose a separate Schedule K-64 for each business.
property taxation on Schedule 2, Schedule 5, or Schedule 6 by a
LINE 1a—Enter the total personal property tax timely paid this tax
for-profit business required to file an income tax, privilege tax, or
year on qualified machinery and equipment from column (a).
insurance company premiums tax return.
LINE 1b—Partners, shareholders or members: Enter percentage
• Schedule 2—Prescribed and/or itemized machinery and
that represents your proportionate share in the partnership,
equipment used in mineral leasehold interests including
S corporation, LLC or LLP. Sole owners: Enter 100%.
diesel engines, drilling rigs, electric motors, line piping, mud
LINE 2—Multiply line 1a by line 1b. This is total personal property
pumps, water injection pumps, oil separators, oil well tubing
tax eligible for credit this tax year.
pumps, pumping jacks, service units and tanks.
• Schedule 5—Commercial and industrial machinery and
All filers will complete line 4. Only Form K-40 and Form K-41
equipment used for business purposes.
filers will complete lines 5, 6 and, if applicable, line 7.
• Schedule 6—All other business related tangible personal
property not elsewhere classified, such as spare parts.
LINE 3—The credit percentage allowed is 25% for all property
Equipment that is leased can only be claimed by the owner.
taxes timely paid in 2011 (both the 2nd half of the 2010 and
any 2011 property taxes).
Personal property tax paid on motor vehicles, nonbusiness use
LINE 4—Multiply line 2 by the percentage on line 3 and enter
property, leased equipment and tangible personal property owned
result . This is the credit available for this tax year.
by a public utility is not eligible for this credit (K.S.A. 79-32,206).
Form K-120 and Form K-130 filers: Skip lines 5 through 7
and enter this amount on the appropriate line of Form K-120
Railroad and Telecommunication companies should
or Form K-130.
use Credit Schedule K-36 to claim property taxes paid
on machinery and equipment.
IMPORTANT: If the amount on line 4 is more than $500, you
must enclose copies of the paid tax receipts with this schedule.
Partnerships, S Corporations, LLCs and LLPs
Partners, shareholders and members will claim this credit in
LINE 5—Enter the amount of your Kansas tax liability after all
the same manner as they account for their proportionate share
credits other than this credit.
of the income or loss of the partnership, S corporation, LLC, or
LINE 6—Enter the lesser of lines 4 or 5. Enter this amount on
If you are a partner, shareholder or member in more than
the appropriate line of Form K-40 or Form K-41.
one business qualifying for this credit, you must enclose a
If line 6 is less than line 4, complete PART C.
separate Schedule K-64 for each business.
Required Information
LINE 7—Subtract line 6 from line 4. This is the excess credit to
In order to complete this schedule you will need a copy of the
be refunded to you. If line 6 is more than line 4 you are not
receipt(s) from your county treasurer showing timely payment of
entitled to a refund. Enter this amount on the appropriate line
the personal property tax on the qualifying property.
of Form K-40 or Form K-41.
IMPORTANT: You MUST enclose copies of the paid receipts
with this schedule if the credit on line 4 is more than $500.
The Department of Revenue reserves the right to request any additional
If you have questions about personal property tax or your
receipts as necessary.
valuation notice, contact your county appraiser. If you have
questions or need a copy of your personal property tax receipt
If your paid receipt does not separate the tax paid on
for payment, contact your county treasurer.
qualified property from other personal property taxes paid,
If you need assistance completing this schedule, contact the
you must obtain a breakdown of the tax paid on the qualified
Department of Revenue:
property from the county and enclose it with this schedule.
Tax Operations
This may include obtaining the assessed value and mill levy from
Docking State Office Building, 1
the county in order to determine the tax paid on qualified property.
915 SW Harrison St.,
For example, if you own Schedule 2 property, you will need the
Topeka, KS 66625-2007
tax paid on prescribed and itemized equipment separated from
the total tax paid on the mineral leasehold interests. For Schedule
Phone: (785) 368-8222
6 property, you will need the tax paid on business-related property
Fax: (785) 291-3614
separated from Schedule 6 non-business-related property.
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