Schedule K-63 - Kansas Habitat Management Credit Page 2


Enter the total costs incurred this tax year for management
LINE 6 –
K.S.A. 79-32,203 provides a habitat management income tax
and improvements specified in the agreement. Enclose an
credit for property owners who enter into an agreement with the
itemized list with copies of invoices and receipts (circling the
Secretary of Wildlife and Parks to preserve, maintain, or protect a
habitat items if combined with other purchases) with this
portion of their property that has been designated as critical habitat
for a species listed as endangered, threatened, or in need of
LINE 7 –
Credit forward available. Enter the total of lines 14 and
conservation qualify for the credit. The credit amount is the total
16 of the prior year’s Schedule K-63.
of the property tax paid on the land designated as critical habitat
LINE 8 –
Add lines 6 and 7.
and the costs incurred to manage, construct, and maintain
Enter your total Kansas tax liability for this tax year after
LINE 9 –
improvements approved by the Secretary of Wildlife and Parks.
all credits other than the habitat management credit. If you
have an entry on line 5 of this schedule, subtract line 5 from
This credit is available for taxable years beginning after
line 4 and enter the result on line 9.
December 31, 1997, but before January 1, 2003. The credit is
Enter the lesser of lines 8 or 9.
LINE 10 –
limited to the tax liability after all other allowable credits are taken
for the year the credit is claimed. Should the costs incurred (Part
B of this schedule) exceed the tax liability, the taxpayer may, at the
Add lines 5 and 10. Enter this amount on the tax credit
LINE 11 –
time of filing the initial return on which the credit is claimed, elect
line for your return (Form K-40, K-41, or K-120).
to either carry forward the excess credit to the next succeeding
If line 10 is less than line 8, complete PART D.
taxable year or years until the total amount of the credit has been
used, or receive a refund of the excess credit.
Addition Modification Required: The property taxes and costs
Subtract line 10 from line 8. This is the amount of excess
LINE 12 –
credit available for refund or carry forward. (The property tax
claimed as the basis for the habitat management credit that are
amount from Part A is not eligible for refund or carry forward).
claimed for deduction in determining federal adjusted gross income
must be added back to federal adjusted gross income. Enter the
Enter the lesser of lines 6 or 12.
LINE 13 –
total on the line on your return provided for addition modifications.
Subtract line 13 from line 12. This amount must be
LINE 14 –
carried forward to next year since a carry forward election
Required Documentation: You must enclose these documents
was made for these excess expenses in a prior year. Enter
this amount on line 7 of next year’s Schedule K-63. Keep a
with this schedule:
copy of this schedule to file with next year’s return.
1. A signed copy of your endangered species habitat
Subtract line 14 from line 2. The is the amount of
LINE 15 –
agreement with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and
excess credit available from costs incurred this tax year eligible
Parks, including all “Exhibit B” worksheets. Do not send
for carry forward or refund.
“Exhibit A,” the map of habitat land.
If you elect to carry forward the amount on line 15, enter
LINE 16 –
2. An itemized list of Part B costs with copies of invoices.
the amount on line 16. Enter this amount (plus any amount
on line 14) on line 7 of next year’s Schedule K-63. Keep a
copy of this schedule to file with next year’s return.
Partnerships and S Corporations: Partners and shareholders
should enter on lines 1 and 6 their proportionate share of the taxes
LINE 17 –
If you elect to have the amount on line 15 refunded to
and costs incurred this tax year by the partnership or S corporation
you, enter the amount from line 15 here, and also on the line
provided on your return for the refundable portion of tax credits.
(enclose computation).
For information about endangered wildlife, critical habitats, or
your conservation agreement, contact:
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
Division of Fisheries and Wildlife
Enter the total real estate taxes paid on the habitat land
LINE 1 –
512 SE 25
under agreement with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and
Pratt, KS 67124
Parks from the Exhibit B worksheet(s) of agreement. DO NOT
(620) 672-5911
include any additional tax incurred due to filing penalties.
For assistance in completing this schedule contact:
Enter as the numerator the number of months this tax
LINE 2 –
year the agreement was in effect. For example, for an
Taxpayer Assistance Center
agreement entered into during March, enter “9”, resulting in
Kansas Department of Revenue
915 SW Harrison St.,
the fraction 9/12ths, or 75%.
Topeka, KS 66625-2007
LINE 3 –
Multiply line 1 by line 2. This is the amount of property tax
Phone: (785) 368-8222
credit available this tax year.
Hearing Impaired TTY: (785) 296-6461
LINE 4 –
Enter your total Kansas tax liability for this tax year after
Additional copies of this schedule and other tax forms are
all credits other than the habitat management credit.
available from the department’s office or web site at
Enter the lesser of lines 3 or 4.
LINE 5 –


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