Vulnerability Assessment Template


Vulnerability Assessment Template
Please provide your name(s) and organization
Provide the name of the type of infrastructure, economic resource, environmental resource etc. that will
be described.
Exposure to Sea Level Rise:
Tables and Information from the exposure analysis will be inserted here. Please provide additional
supporting background or general information about the resource.
Users and Uses:
Please indicate who the users of the resource are, or what groups benefit from the resource. Describe the
uses (functions/values/benefits) of the resource. Please indicate what, if any, competing uses or users
Fiscal Capacity:
Please identify and describe funding sources that are utilized to manage or make improvements to the
resource. Please note whether there are existing revenue gaps or unmet revenue needs.
Regulations & Policies:
Please identify and describe any Federal, State or local regulations or policies that are used to manage or
direct this resource. Please indicate whether these regulations and policies include flexibility to address
the impacts discussed above.
Potential Economic Impact:
Based upon the exposure analysis distributed and discussed at the 3/15 advisory committee meeting,
please describe any potential direct and indirect economic impacts. Depending upon availability of
information, this could include direct impacts like replacing buildings, rebuilding infrastructure and
displacement of residents. It can also include potential indirect impacts like loss of tourism, loss of flood
protection or increased transportation costs. Where cost estimates are available, please include them or
indicate that there is no available data source.


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