Form M2x - Minnesota Amended Income Tax Return For Estates And Trusts - 2014 Page 4

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2014 Form M2X instructions (continued)
Line 24
Lines 31–52
e-Services menu. If you don’t have Internet
access, call 1-800-570-3329 to pay by phone.
If you enter a corrected amount in Column
If line 23 is a negative amount, treat it as a
C of lines 31 through 52, you may be re-
positive amount and add it to line 14C. En-
If you are paying by check, you must com-
quired to notify benefi ciaries of any adjust-
ter the result on line 24. Th is is the amount
plete a payment voucher and mail it with
ments to their income. Report the corrected
you owe, which is due when you fi le your
your Form M2X along with a check made
information on a new Schedule KF, and
amended return. You cannot use any funds
payable to Minnesota Revenue. To create a
check the “Amended KF” box toward the
in your estimated tax account to pay this
voucher, visit our website at
top of the schedule.
amount. Continue with line 25., click on Make a Payment and
then By check.
Line 25
If only one of the penalties below applies,
Line 29
Th e return must be signed by the fi duciary
you must multiply line 24 by 10 percent
If you want your refund to be directly de-
or authorized offi cer of the organization re-
(.10). If both penalties apply, multiply line
posited into your bank account, complete
ceiving, controlling or managing the income
23 by 20 percent (.20). Enter the result on
line 30. Your bank statement will indicate
of the estate or trust. Th e person must also
line 25.
when your refund was deposited to your
include his or her ID number.
account. Otherwise, skip line 30 and your
• Th e IRS assessed a penalty for negli-
refund will be sent to you in the mail.
If someone other than the fi duciary pre-
gence or disregard of rules or regula-
tions, and/or
pared the return, the preparer must also
Th is refund cannot be applied to your esti-
sign. Th e preparer’s ID number and phone
mated tax account.
• You failed to report federal changes
number should also be included.
to the department within 180 days as
Line 30
You may check the box in the signature area
If you want your refund to be directly
Line 27
to give us your permission to discuss your
deposited into your checking or savings
return with the paid preparer. Th is autho-
Interest is calculated as simple interest and
account, enter the routing and account
rization remains in eff ect until you notify
accrues on unpaid tax and penalties from
the department in writing (either by mail or
the regular due date until it is paid in full.
You can fi nd your bank’s routing number and
fax) that the authorization is revoked.
Use the formula below with the appropriate
account number on the bottom of your check.
interest rate:
Checking the box does not give your pre-
parer the authority to sign any tax docu-
Interest = line 26 x number of days past
ments on your behalf or to represent you at
the due date x interest rate ÷ 365
any audit or appeals conference. For these
Th e routing number must have nine digits.
If the days fall in more than one calendar
types of authorities, you must fi le Form
Th e account number may contain up to 17
year, you must determine the number of
REV184, Power of Attorney.
days separately for each year.
digits (both numbers and letters).
If your account number contains less than
Th e interest rate for 2014 is 3 percent.
17 digits, enter the number and leave out
Penalty will be assessed if the additional tax
any hyphens, spaces and symbols.
and interest are not paid with the amended
If the routing or account number is incor-
rect or is not accepted by your fi nancial
Line 28
institution, your refund will be sent to you
To pay the amount due electronically, go
in the form of a paper check.
to, and click
on “Login to e-File Minnesota” from the


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