Schedule K-71 - Kansas Mathematics And Science Teacher Employment Credit Page 2


Enter all requested information at the top of this schedule. Mark
K.S.A. 79-32,215 provides an income tax credit to any business
firm which has entered into a partnership agreement to employ a
the appropriate check box of the congressional district for which
Kansas mathematics or science teacher during times that school
the business firm is located. A list of Kansas cities and counties
is not in session. The credit is for taxable years 2005, 2006 and
by congressional district is available on the following website:
2007 and is:
1) 25% of the amount paid during the taxable year by such
business firm to teachers as salary pursuant to the
partnership agreement; or
2) 30% of the amount paid during the taxable year by such
LINE 1 – Enter the total amount paid during the tax year to teachers
business firm to teachers as salary pursuant to the
as salary pursuant to the partnership agreement when the
partnership agreement if the teacher is teaching in a
teacher is NOT teaching in a school district located in a rural
school district located in a rural community, underserved
community, underserved area or underperforming urban area.
area or underperforming urban area.
LINE 2 – This part of the credit is limited to 25% of the salary paid
The total amount of credits are limited to $500,000 in any one
during the tax year.
fiscal year and no more than $125,000 of credits shall be for
business firms located in any one congressional district per fiscal
LINE 3 – Multiply line 1 by line 2, and enter the result on line 3.
LINE 4 – Enter the total amount paid during the tax year to teachers
No credit shall be allowed to a business firm when the teacher
as salary pursuant to the partnership agreement when the
employed by the firm is a household or family member of any
teacher IS teaching in a school district located in a rural
owner, director, officer or employee of such business firm.
community, underserved area or underperforming urban area.
The total credit allowed shall not exceed the amount of tax
LINE 5 – This part of the credit is limited to 30% of the salary paid
imposed under the Kansas income tax act.
during the tax year.
The Secretary of Revenue shall approve these credits IN
LINE 6 – Multiply line 4 by line 5, and enter the result on line 6.
ADVANCE on a first-come, first serve basis. Prior to a business
LINE 7 – Add line 3 and line 6, and enter the result on line 7.
firm claiming this tax credit, the Secretary of Revenue shall require
submission of the following: 1) A partnership agreement for each
LINE 8 – Partners, shareholders or members: Enter the percentage
teacher employed; 2) the salary amount paid to each teacher
that represents your proportionate share in the partnership, S
during the taxable year; and 3) any additional information the
corporation, LLC or LLP. All other taxpayers: Enter 100%.
Secretary of Revenue may require.
LINE 9 – Multiply line 7 by line 8 and enter the result on line 9. This
The partnership agreement form can be found by visiting the
is your share of the tax credit.
following website:
LINE 10 – Your tax liability. Enter your tax amount for this tax year
after all credits, other than this credit.
Business firm: Any business entity authorized to do business
in the state of Kansas which is subject to the state income tax
LINE 11 – Amount of credit this tax year. Enter the lesser of line
imposed by the provisions of the Kansas income tax act and any
9 or line 10. Enter this amount on the appropriate line of Form
individual subject to the state income tax imposed by the
K-40, Form K-41 or Form K-120. (You may not carry over any
provisions of the Kansas income tax act.
amount of credit exceeding your tax liability.)
Partnership agreement: An agreement entered into pursuant
to K.S.A. 79-32,215. Such agreement shall contain a description
of the duties of the position the teacher shall be performing,
sufficient to establish that such position satisfies the criteria set
Questions about the Math and Science Teacher Service Credit
forth in K.S.A. 79-32,215.
or for assistance in completing this schedule contact the Kansas
Department of Revenue:
Rural community: The meaning ascribed thereto by K.S.A.
79-32,195, and amendments thereto.
Taxpayer Assistance Center
Teacher: A person who holds a certificate to teach in Kansas
Docking State Office Building, 1
with an endorsement in the areas of mathematics, science,
915 SW Harrison St.,
physics, chemistry or biology and has entered into a partnership
Topeka, KS 66625-2007
Phone: (785) 368-8222
Underperforming urban area: An area of the state in which
Hearing Impaired TTY: (785) 296-6461
low academic performance by pupils in school districts in such
Fax: (785) 291-3614
area as determined and specified by the state board of education.
Underserved area: The meaning ascribed thereto by K.S.A.
Additional copies of this income tax credit schedule and other
74-32,101, and amendments thereto.
tax forms are available from our web site at


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