Form M-6 - General Instructions


(REV. 1996)
1. Purpose of Form — Hawaii has neither
4. Where to File — The completed and no-
in the other State over the fed-
an inheritance nor a gift tax. The Hawaii
tarized report may be mailed to:
eral gross estate multiplied by
estate and transfer tax is based on the
State Department of Taxation
the FSDTC.
Federal State Death Tax Credit (FSDTC).
Estate and Transfer Tax Section
For persons dying after June 30, 1983,
P. O. Box 259
Nonresident: where real property
this tax is imposed on the transfer of the
Honolulu, Hawaii 96809-0259
or tangible personal property
taxable estate of every resident and the
has situs in Hawaii, then the tax
taxable estate located in Hawaii of every
5. Payment of Tax — Due date of pay-
is the gross value of the prop-
ment is the same as time for filing (item 3
erty within Hawaii over the fed-
of the Instructions). Pay the amount shown
eral gross estate multiplied by
An estate is not taxable and no estate tax
on line 18 or 21 of this report. Attach a
the FSDTC.
is required if a Federal Estate Tax Return
check or money order payable to “Hawaii
(Form 706) is not required. However , the
State Tax Collector”; pay in U.S. dollars.
8. Changes to Federal Estate Tax Re-
personal representative or person(s) in
turn (Form 706) or Federal Estate Tax —
possession, control, or custody of the prop-
6. Federal Form 706 Requirement —
The State Department of Taxation must be
erty must file a Request for Release (Form
The first page of the Federal Estate Tax
notified immediately if the federal Form
M-6A) with the State Department of Taxa-
Return (Form 706) must be filed with this
706 or Federal Estate Tax is amended or
tion if they wish to obtain a release, which
report, when the decedent was a resident
adjusted by any means, including a Fed-
of Hawaii with all assets having situs
indicates that the personal representative
eral Estate Tax audit, a refund claim, or an
or person(s) in possession, control, or cus-
within Hawaii.
amendment to the Federal Estate Tax Re-
tody are free from taxes under chapter
236D, Hawaii Revised Statutes.
A complete copy of the Federal Estate Tax
Return (Form 706) (excluding appraisals)
9. Penalty and Interest —
Generation-skipping transfers due to tax-
must be filed with this report when the de-
(a) Penalty for failure to file is equal
able distributions or taxable terminations
cedent was a resident having real property
made after June 30, 1994, are reported us-
or tangible personal property with situs
to 5% of the tax due for each
ing the Hawaii Generation-Skipping Trans-
both within and without Hawaii or when the
month or fraction of calendar
fer Tax Report, Form M-6GS.
decedent was a nonresident having real
month that the report is delin-
property or tangible personal property with
quent, up to a maximum of 25%
2. Who Should File — The Form M-6
situs within Hawaii.
of the tax payable.
should be filed by the person responsible
for filing the Federal Estate Tax Return,
7. Computation of Tax:
(b) Interest is computed on under-
such as the personal representative or a
A. Resident Decedent:
payment or nonpayment of tax
person in control, custody, or possession
(1) with all assets within Hawaii is
at a rate of 2/3 of 1% a month
of the decendent’s property.
subject to the Hawaii Estate and
or fraction of a calendar month
Transfer Tax equal to the
which begins to run 9 months af-
3. Time to File — This report is due on or
ter the date of death of the dece-
before the Federal Estate Tax Return
(2) where real property or tangible
dent, regardless of any
(Form 706) is required to be filed, includ-
personal property has situs in
ing any extension of time to file federal
extension to file the report or
another State, then the credit is
Form 706 and provided a copy of the ap-
pay the tax.
reduced (if any) by the lesser of
proved federal extension is submitted to
the FSDTC paid to that State or
the Department of Taxation within 30 days
the gross value of the property
of issuance.


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