Arizona Form
2014 Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit
For more information regarding this credit, review the
Obtain additional information or assistance by calling one of
program guidelines developed by Revenue, available at
the numbers listed below:
on the Tax Credits page.
(602) 255-3381
From area codes 520 and 928, toll-free
(800) 352-4090
Specific Instructions
Obtain tax rulings, tax procedures, tax forms and
Complete the name and taxpayer identification number
instructions, and other tax information by accessing the
section at the top of the form. Indicate the period covered by
department's website at .
the taxable year. Include the completed form with the tax
General Instructions
All returns, statements, and other documents filed with the
Arizona Revised Statutes §§ 43-1083.02 and 43-1164.03 provide
department require a taxpayer identification number (TIN).
nonrefundable individual and corporate income tax credits for
The TIN for a corporation, an exempt organization with
production of electricity by a qualified energy generator that
UBTI, an S corporation, or a partnership is the taxpayer's
produces electricity using a qualified energy resource.
employer identification number. The TIN for an individual is
“Qualified energy generator” means a facility that has at
the taxpayer's social security number or an Internal Revenue
least five megawatts generating capacity, that is located on
Service individual taxpayer identification number. A taxpayer
land in Arizona owned or leased by the taxpayer, that
that fails to include its TIN may be subject to a penalty.
produces electricity using a qualified energy resource and
Part 1 - Qualification for and Current Taxable
that sells electricity to an unrelated entity, unless the
Year’s Credit
electricity is sold to a public service corporation.
“Qualified energy resource” means a resource that generates
Line 1 -
electricity through the use of only: solar light, solar heat,
If the taxpayer received a Certificate from Revenue, check the
wind or biomass.
“Yes” box. Otherwise, check the “No” box and skip
The qualified energy generator must first produce electricity
Line 2 -
from and after December 31, 2010, and before January 1,
2021. The credit is effective for taxable years beginning
If you checked the “Yes” box on line 1, enter the amount of
from and after December 31, 2010.
credit for calendar year 2014 on your Certificate from
Revenue. Fiscal year taxpayers will claim the credit on the
The Department of Revenue (Revenue) will certify credits on
return for the taxable year in which the calendar year ends.
a first-come, first-served basis. The entity that holds title to the
Be sure to include a copy of your Certificate.
qualified energy generator must apply between January 2 and
January 31 of the year following the calendar year of
Line 3 -
production. Fiscal year taxpayers will claim the credit on the
If an entity from which you are claiming a pass through
return for the taxable year in which the calendar year ends.
renewable energy production tax credit received a Certificate
The amount of total credits Revenue may allow cannot
from Revenue, check the “Yes” box. Otherwise, check the
exceed $20 million in any calendar year. The amount of
“No” box, and skip line 4 and line 5.
credit per facility is limited to $2 million per calendar year,
If you checked the “No” box for both line 1 and line 3, do not
for up to 10 consecutive calendar years. The amount of the
file Form 343, unless you have carryovers from prior years.
credit is based on electricity produced, the qualified energy
Line 4 -
resource used, the year of production, and Revenue
If you checked the “Yes” box on line 3, enter the name of
the entity that received the Certificate from Revenue and its
Revenue will issue a Certificate of Renewable Energy
taxpayer identification number on line 4.
Production Tax Credit (Certificate) to the applicant if it is
certified to claim the tax credit. Each taxpayer must include
Line 5 -
a copy of the Certificate with the return.
If you checked the “Yes” box on line 3, enter your share of
Co-owners of a business, including partners in a partnership
the credit for taxable year 2014.
and shareholders of an S corporation, may each claim only
Line 6 -
the pro rata share of the credit allowed based on the
ownership interest. The total of the credits allowed all such
Enter the total of line 2 and line 5. This is your current
owners may not exceed the amount that would have been
taxable year’s total renewable energy production tax credit.
allowed for a sole owner of the business.
Part 2 - S Corporation Credit Election and
The credit is available to an exempt organization that is
Shareholder's Share of Credit
subject to corporate income tax on unrelated business taxable
income (UBTI). The credit must result from the activities that
Line 7 - S Corporation Credit Election
generate UBTI.
S corporations must complete line 7. The S corporation must
The unused portion of this tax credit may be carried forward
make an irrevocable election to either claim the current
for five succeeding taxable years.