Schedule Cell (Form 41a720cell) - Application And Credit Certificate Of Income Tax/llet Credit Cellulosic Ethanol - 2015 Page 2

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41A720CELL (10–15)
Page 2
Commonwealth of Kentucky
The cellulosic ethanol tax credit is applied against the individual income tax imposed by KRS 141.020, the corporation income tax imposed by
KRS 141.040 and/or the limited liability entity tax (LLET) imposed by KRS 141.0401. The amount of tax credit claimed against the corporation
income tax and LLET can be different.
Purpose of Schedule—The application and credit certification
used if the total amount of approved credit for all cellulosic ethanol
schedule is to report the number of gallons of cellulosic ethanol
producers exceeds the annual cellulosic ethanol tax credit cap.
produced in this state meeting the current ASTM standards. The
Department of Revenue will certify the amount of cellulosic
Part II—Cellulosic Ethanol Gallons Approved
ethanol credit for each taxpayer. It is effective for cellulosic ethanol
produced on or after January 1, 2008. The taxpayer is not entitled
Line 1—This is the amount of cellulosic ethanol gallons approved
to the credit for cellulosic ethanol produced in another state.
by the Department of Revenue for credit. If the approved credit
exceeds the cellulosic ethanol tax credit cap, then the credit is
The credit rate is $1 per gallon with a total cap for all taxpayers
determined by the department in Part III. It is a nonrefundable
not to exceed $5,000,000 annually, except the cellulosic ethanol
tax credit cap shall be increased by the unused cap of the ethanol
tax credit. See Part III instructions for further explanation. There
is no carryforward for any unused credit.
A pass-through entity shall include on each Schedule K-1 the
partner’s, member’s, shareholder’s or beneficiary’s pro rata share
To ensure proper processing, fax or email Schedule CELL to the
of the approved credit. In addition, a pass-through entity shall
Department of Revenue no later than January 15 following the close
notify the department electronically of all partners, members,
of the preceding calendar year. Schedules postmarked or sent after
shareholders or beneficiaries who may claim any amount of the
January 15 are void. Credit certification cannot be guaranteed for
approved credit. Failure to provide information to the department
schedules sent through regular mail.
in the following manner may constitute the forfeiture of available
credits to all partners, members, shareholders or beneficiaries in
Fax number: (502) 564-0058
the pass-through entity.
Email address:
Email address:
The Department of Revenue will confirm the receipt of the
The electronic mail shall contain a separate attachment in plain
application. If you do not receive confirmation within two weeks of
format text or plain ASCII format that includes each partner’s,
submitting the application, contact the Division of Corporation Tax
member’s, shareholder’s or beneficiary’s: (a) Name; (b) Address;
at (502) 564-8139.
(c) Telephone number; (d) Identification number; and (e)
Distributive share of the tax credit.
The Department of Revenue will issue the credit certificate, listing
the amount of credit available, by April 15 following the close of
the preceding calendar year. Attach the credit certificate to the tax
Part III—Cellulosic Ethanol Approved Credit Certificate
return claiming the credit.
The Department of Revenue determines the total approved credit.
General Instructions—For the calendar year, enter the applicable
If it exceeds the cellulosic ethanol tax credit cap of $5,000,000, the
department will compute each taxpayer’s approved credit based
upon a fraction the numerator (Line 1(a)) being the credit approved
Check the appropriate entity type. If taxed as an entity type other
for the taxpayer and the denominator (Line 1(b)) being the total
than corporation, limited liability pass-through entity, general
credit approved for all taxpayers. The cellulosic ethanol tax credit
partnership or individual, check the “Other” box and list the
cap is multiplied by this fraction to determine each producer’s
entity type.
approved credit.
Federal Identification Number—For an individual, enter the
The annual cellulosic ethanol tax credit cap of $5,000,000 will be
Social Security number; for all other entities, enter the FEIN.
increased by the unused cap of the ethanol tax credit if the total
approved applications for the cellulosic ethanol tax credit exceeds its
Testing—The regulation 103 KAR 15:120 provides that a copy of the
$5,000,000 cap. The amount of credit cap transferred to the cellulosic
laboratory results for July 1 and December 31 of each calendar year
ethanol tax credit shall not exceed the amount necessary for all
shall be attached to the application, Schedule CELL, submitted to
applicants to receive the one dollar ($1) per gallon credit provided
the Department of Revenue. Failure to provide proof of meeting
by KRS 141.4244.
the ASTM standard on July 1 and December 31 of each calendar
year with the application shall result in the denial of the credit for
Part IV—Cellulosic Ethanol Credit Used by Taxpayer
gallons of cellulosic ethanol back to the previous testing date of
July 1 or December 31.
Line 1—Enter the amount of credit claimed for the taxable year
against the LLET on Schedule TCS, Part II, Column E. The credit
Part I—Gallons Produced in Kentucky During the Calendar Year
amount cannot reduce the LLET below the $175 minimum.
Line 1—Enter the number of gallons of cellulosic ethanol produced
Line 2—Enter the amount of credit claimed for the taxable year
in this state for the calendar year.
against the corporation income tax on Schedule TCS, Part II, Column
F .
Part II and Part III
Line 3—Enter the amount of credit claimed for the taxable year on
These parts are completed by the Department of Revenue to
Form 740, 740–NP or 741.
determine the cellulosic ethanol credit for each taxpayer. Part III is


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