2014 Credit for Taxes Paid for Coal
Arizona Form
Consumed in Generating Electrical Power
Obtain additional information or assistance by calling one of
Specific Instructions
the numbers listed below:
Complete the name and employer identification number
(602) 255-3381
section at the top of the form. Indicate the period covered by
From area codes 520 and 928, toll-free
(800) 352-4090
the taxable year. Include the completed form with the tax
Obtain tax rulings, tax procedures, tax forms and instructions,
and other tax information by accessing the department's
All returns, statements, and other documents filed with the
website at
department require a taxpayer identification number (TIN).
The TIN for a corporation, an exempt organization with
General Instructions
UBTI, an S corporation or a partnership is the taxpayer's
employer identification number. Taxpayers that fail to
§ 43-1178
include their TIN may be subject to a penalty.
nonrefundable corporate income tax credit equal to 30% of
the amount paid by the seller or purchaser as transaction
Part 1 - Current Taxable Year's Credit Calculation
privilege tax or use tax for coal sold to the taxpayer that is
Form 318-1 and Line 1 -
consumed in the generation of electrical power in Arizona.
"Amount paid by the seller or purchaser as transaction
Complete Form 318-1 before completing Part 1, line 1, of
privilege tax or use tax" means that the Arizona transaction
Form 318. Complete Form 318-1 to list the qualifying coal
privilege tax (TPT) was passed through to the taxpayer by the
purchases for the taxable year.
seller as an added charge or that the seller collected the
FORM 318-1
Arizona use tax from the taxpayer or that the taxpayer paid
the Arizona use tax to the department.
The design of Form 318-1 allows the taxpayer to list
The tax credit is in lieu of a deduction for the taxes for which
qualifying coal purchases for the taxable year in two
the credit is claimed. An addition to Arizona gross income is
required for the amount of Arizona TPT and Arizona use
1. Purchases from vendors that passed the Arizona TPT
taxes included in the computation of federal taxable income
through to the taxpayer as an added charge or purchases
for which the Arizona tax credit is claimed.
from vendors that collected the Arizona use tax from the
For example, a taxpayer that paid $50,000 in TPT for coal
taxpayer; and
consumed in the generation of electrical power in Arizona
2. Purchases from vendors for which the taxpayer paid the
would receive a credit of $15,000 ($50,000 x 30% =
Arizona use tax to the department.
$15,000). The addition to Arizona gross income would be
Situation 1: List the qualifying coal purchases by vendor for
situation 1 above. If the taxpayer has purchased coal from more
The tax credit is available only to corporate taxpayers. A
than two vendors, additional Form(s) 318-1 must be completed
partnership may pass this credit through only to its corporate
to list the qualifying coal purchases for the taxable year.
partners. An S corporation may claim this credit, or the
Complete section A to list the vendor name and the vendor’s
S corporation may elect to pass this credit through to only its
Arizona TPT or use tax number. Do not complete section B.
exempt organization shareholders.
NOTE: The Arizona TPT must be shown as an added charge
The credit is available to an exempt organization that is
on the vendor's invoice. If the vendor collects the Arizona use
subject to corporate income tax on unrelated business taxable
tax from the taxpayer, the tax must be shown as a separate
income (UBTI). The credit must result from the activities that
charge on the vendor's invoice.
generate UBTI.
Situation 2: List the qualifying coal purchases from all
Co-owners of a business, including corporate partners of a
vendors for situation 2 above. Complete section B to list the
partnership or exempt organization shareholders of an
taxpayer’s Arizona TPT or use tax number. Do not complete
S corporation, may each claim only the pro rata share of the
section A.
credit allowed based on the ownership interest. The pro rata
share that would be distributed to non-eligible partners or
NOTE: If the taxpayer pays the Arizona use tax directly to
shareholders is lost. The total of the credits allowed all such
the department, the taxpayer must document the amount of
owners may not exceed the amount that would have been
tax paid for each invoice.
allowed for a sole owner of the business.
Column (a): On lines 1 through 12, enter the applicable
If the allowable tax credit exceeds the taxes otherwise due, or
month of the taxable year.
if there are no taxes due, the amount of the credit not used to
Column (b): On lines 1 through 12, indicate the type of tax,
offset taxes may be carried forward for not more than five
TPT or use.
consecutive taxable years as a credit against subsequent years'
income tax liability.
Column (c): On lines 1 through 12, enter the total amount of
qualifying coal purchases for that month. Do not include the
amount of tax paid in the total.