Instructions For Form Edc, Application For Qualified Equity And Subordinated Debt Investment Tax Credit


Instructions for Form EDC, Application for Qualified Equity and
Subordinated Debt Investment Tax Credit
When to Submit Application
Submit Form EDC as soon as possible after receiving all
Taxpayers who do not receive notification of allowable credit
QBA certifications for qualified investments made during
amounts before their Virginia income tax return due date
2007 and as soon as possible BEFORE your tax filing
must file the appropriate return extension request or file their
deadline. Taxpayers making a qualified investment during
regular return without the credit and then file an amended
calendar year 2007, MUST submit this application and all
tax return after receipt of notification of the allowable credit
supporting documentation no later than April 1, 2008.
amount to claim the tax credit.
What to Attach
Required Investor Holding Period
Attach the following items:
Equity and/or subordinated debt received in connection with
• A copy of the qualified business certification (issued to
a qualified business investment must be held by the taxpayer
the business by Department of Taxation);
for at least three calendar years following the calendar year
• A business statement, on the business' letterhead,
for which the credit is allocated except in any of the following:
the liquidation of the qualified business issuing the equity, a
• the investment by amount, type and date; and
merger, consolidation or other acquisition of the business
• verification that the investment meets the definition of
with or by a party not affiliated with the business or, death of
a qualified investment for purposes of claiming the
the taxpayer.
credit pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 58.1-339.4.
Title 23 of Virginia Administrative Code (VAC)
Penalty for Not Meeting the Required Holding Period
10-110-225 et seq. provides regulations on how this
If the required holding period is not met, the taxpayer must
credit applies.
forfeit the unused credit amount and will be assessed for
the credit utilized, to which shall be added interest, computed
Where to Submit Application
at the rate of 1% per month, compounded monthly from the
Submit Form EDC and attachments to the Department of
date the tax credits were claimed.
Taxation, ATTN: Tax Credit Unit, P.O. Box 715,
Richmond, VA 23218-0715 or you may fax it to 804-786-
Pass-Through Entities
Each pass-through entity must File Form PTE with the
Department of Taxation within 30 days after the credit is
What to Expect from the Department of Taxation
granted. This information should be sent to: Department
All applicants should receive a letter acknowledging their
of Taxation, ATTN: Tax Credit Unit, P.O. Box 715,
EDC application. If you have applied by the April 1 deadline
Richmond, VA 23218-0715 or you may fax it to
and have not received an acknowledgment letter from us
by May 15 please call the Tax Credit Unit at 804-786-2992.
The Virginia Department of Taxation will review all
All pass-through entities distributing this credit to its owner(s),
applications for completeness and notify taxpayers of any
shareholders, partners or members must give each a
errors by June 1. If any additional information is needed, it
Schedule VK-1, Owner’s Share of Income And Virginia
must be provided no later than June 15 in order for the
Modifications And Credits.
investment to be considered for the tax credit. All eligible
taxpayers shall be notified by June 30 as to the allowable
Where To Get Help
credit amount that may be claimed for the qualified
Write the Department of Taxation, ATTN: Tax Credit Unit,
investment. If the total eligible credit requests received
P. O. Box 715, Richmond, VA 23218-0715 or call
exceed the Commonwealth's annual $3 million limitation,
804-786-2992. To order forms or a copy of regulations call
each taxpayer shall be granted a pro rata amount as
804-440-2541. Visit to obtain most
determined by the department. The amount of credit that is
Virginia income tax forms and additional tax information.
deducted from the requested amount via proration is lost.
Forms are also available from your local Commissioner of
the Revenue, Director of Finance or Director of Tax
What Does the Taxpayer Need to Do
Upon receiving notification of the allowable credit amount,
Tenemos servicios disponible en Español.
taxpayers may claim the allowable credit amount on the
applicable Virginia income tax return and compute any
Virginia Tax Bulletin 00-5, dated July 31, 2000, and Title
carryover credit amount.
23 of Virginia Administrative Code (VAC) 10-110-225
provide additional information on this credit. To obtain
this bulletin, see "Where To Get Help" above.


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