Form Rev 82 2109-2 - Non-Participating Manufacturer Supplemental Reporting Form Page 2

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Complete Form Rev 82 2109-2 - Non-Participating Manufacturer Supplemental Reporting Form with your personal data - all interactive fields are highlighted in places where you should type, access drop-down lists or select multiple-choice options.

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Washington State
Non-Participating Manufacturer
Department of Revenue
Return the completed form 25 days after the
Special Programs Division
Supplemental Reporting Form
close of the reporting month.
PO Box 47477
Olympia, Washington 98504-7477
Instructions on reverse side
Please complete this schedule in full and mail to:
Washington State Department of Revenue,
Please provide the following information with respect to cigarettes sold that were manufactured
Special Programs Division, PO Box 47477,
by a Non-Participating Manufacturer (NPM). This form is a supplemental form to report sales to
Olympia WA 98504-7477
Indian Tribes with a Cigarette Tax Contract.
Tax Reporting
Account No:
Reporting Month/Yr:
No. of
Ounces of Roll-
Cigarettes Sold
Name & Address of the Person
Name & Address of the First
in Washington
Tobacco Sold in
Non-Participating Manufacturer
From Whom Each Cigarette
Importer of Foreign
Brand Name
Name & Address
Was Purchased
Manufactured Cigarettes
This report is subject to future verification by the Department of Revenue.
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REV 82 2109-2 (06/20/05)
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