Form T-207t - Translation Of A Foreign Registration Certificate

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T-207T (Rev 11-16-04)
Translation of a Foreign Registration Certificate
Instructions: Except for the signatures, this form must be typed, electronically completed and printed, or
printed legibly by hand in blue or black ink. The translator must print their name and sign. The notary
public must sign, affix his or her notary seal or stamp and record the date his or her notary commission
expires. Important: Neither a vehicle owner nor a family member can translate any document supporting
an application for a Georgia certificate of title. Altered or incomplete forms will not be accepted.
This is to certify that I, _________________________________________________________________,
(Name of Translator – Print or Type)
(Translator’s Current Address Including City, State and Zip Code)
have read the attached document and it contains the following information. This document is a:
(Type of Document & Name of Issuing Country – i.e. German Registration Certificate)
(Vehicle Description – Year Model, Make and Vehicle Identification Number)
The current registered owner(s)’ name(s) shown on this registration certificate by the issuing agency are:
(Current Registered Owner’s Name(s) as Shown on the Attached Registration Certificate)
Is the attached registration certificate still valid?
*If the registration certificate is no longer valid, please indicate below the reason for cancellation:
The vehicle has been exported and is no longer registered in any country.
The vehicle has been issued an International Registration Plan (IRP) registration certificate (cab
card) or a registration certificate from another country.
Does this document reflect any lien, security interest or encumbrance holders?
*If “Yes”, please record the name and address of each lien, security interest and encumbrance holder
recorded on the attached registration certificate below:
Does this document indicate that the vehicle has been wrecked or salvage?
Sworn to and subscribed before me:
This ______day of _____________, 2______
_______ ___________________________________________
(Typed or Printed Name of Translator)
(Notary Public’s Signature & Seal or Stamp)
(Translator’s Signature)
(Date Notary Commission Expires)
(Translator’s Telephone # Including Area Code)
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