Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 9


Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
Page 6
Montana Department of Revenue
File Your Return
PO Box 6577
We encourage you to e-fi le your tax return. To see the
Helena, MT 59604-6577
e-fi ling options available to you, please see FAQ
If you are fi ling a tax return that includes a payment, please
page 8. If you have chosen to fi le your return on paper, you
mail your tax return and check to:
will need to mail your return to us.
Montana Department of Revenue
If your tax return does not include a payment or shows
PO Box 6308
you are due a refund, please mail your tax return to the
Helena, MT 59604-6308
following address:
FAQs—Frequently Asked Questions
Please fi nd the answers to these questions identifi ed by number on pages 7-11.
Filing Requirements
Penalty and Interest
Do I have to fi le a Montana individual income tax
What happens if my payment is late?
What is the interest rate on unpaid taxes?
I have to fi le a Montana individual income tax return.
Which form is appropriate for me and my situation?
Refund Information
How can I check on my refund?
How do I know whether I am a full-year resident,
nonresident, or a part-year resident of Montana for
individual income tax purposes?
Special Situations
I am on active duty in the regular armed forces and
When do I have to fi le my Montana tax return?
currently serving in an area designated as a “combat
What does the checkbox that asks “Do you want to
zone” or “contingency operations.” I am unable to fi le
allow another person to discuss this return with us?”
my Montana tax return by April 17, 2012. Can I (and my
spouse) obtain an extension to fi le my 2011 Montana
tax return?
If I choose to fi le a paper return, where do I mail it?
My spouse has a past-due child support obligation and
Electronic Filing and Payment Options
I don’t want my refund to be applied to this debt. What
can I do?
What options do I have to fi le my Montana tax return
A mental or physical disability prevents me from
completing and fi ling a tax return. What can I do?
If I fi le my return electronically, what information do
I have to send in and what documents do I have to
How do I fi le for a deceased person?
I have heard that special rules apply to wages that
What options do I have to pay my Montana taxes
Montana residents earn in North Dakota, or North
Dakota residents earn in Montana. What are those
Late Filed Returns
● I am a Montana resident. How do those rules apply
What happens if I do not fi le my Montana tax return on
to me?
● I am a North Dakota resident. How do those rules
What if I need more time to fi le my Montana tax return?
apply to me?
Amended Returns
Tax Records
What do I do if I made an error on my income tax return
What should I do if I did not receive a Form W-2, wage
and I now want to correct it?
and tax statement, from my employer or I misplaced it?
I have fi led an amended federal tax return with the
How long do I need to maintain my tax records after I
Internal Revenue Service, or the Internal Revenue
have fi led my state tax return?
Service has adjusted my federal tax return. Do I have
to report this change to Montana? If so, how do I report
this change?


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