Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 8


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Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
Third Party Designee
Step 6. Sign, Assemble and File Your
If you want to allow your preparer, friend, family member,
or any other person you choose to discuss your 2011
tax return with the department, mark the “Yes” box in the
► Did you...?
bottom of the signature block. You will also need to enter
● Get a confi rmation that your Montana return was
your designee’s printed name and phone number. If you
accepted, if you are fi ling electronically.
are fi ling a joint return, you are automatically authorizing us
to discuss the joint return with either spouse, but you will
● Sign your tax return if you are fi ling on paper.
still need to complete the third party designee section if you
● Fill out the third party designee section if you
wish to allow another person, such as a tax preparer, to
want to allow someone else to discuss your return
discuss your return with us.
with us.
If you do not complete the third party designee section
according to these instructions, we cannot discuss your
return with another person. By completing this section, you
Sign Your Return
are authorizing the designee to:
Your tax return is considered incomplete unless you sign
● Give us any information that is missing from your
it. If you are fi ling a joint return, your spouse must also
sign. Incomplete returns cannot be processed and require
● Call us for information about the processing of your
us to contact you for additional information. If you have
return or the status of your refund or payment(s); and
someone prepare your return, you are still responsible for
the correctness of the return. If you are fi ling a joint return
● Respond to notices from us about math errors, offsets
as a surviving spouse, see FAQ
on page 10.
and return preparation.
You are not authorizing the designee to discuss any other
Electronic Return Signatures
tax year, receive any refund check, bind you to anything
If you are fi ling your return electronically, you are not
or otherwise represent you before the Department. If you
required to actually sign your return. The act of fi ling your
want to expand the designee’s authorization, please view
return electronically signifi es your declaration, under the
information about granting someone power of attorney at
penalty of false swearing, that:
● You are the taxpayer identifi ed in the return; and
The authorization will automatically end no later than the
● The information in the return is true, correct, and
due date (without regard to extensions) for fi ling your 2012
return. This is April 15, 2013 for most people.
Your fi ling electronically, with this declaration, is your
For additional information, please see FAQ
on page 8.
Assemble Your Return
Daytime Phone Number
Please include all Form(s) W-2 and 1099 you received
Providing your daytime phone number may help speed
with your return. If you forget to send your Form(s) W-2 or
the processing of your return. We may have questions
other withholding forms with your return, do not send them
about items on your return and if you are able to answer
separately, or with another copy of your tax return. Wait
our questions over the phone, we may be able to continue
until we request them from you.
processing your return without mailing you a letter. If you
If you are fi ling your return on paper, please assemble your
are fi ling a joint return, you can enter either your or your
return, without using staples, in the following order:
spouse’s daytime phone number.
Paid Preparer
Anyone you pay to prepare your return must sign it and
include his or her Preparer Tax Identifi cation Number
(PTIN) in the space provided. Preparers should have a
PTIN, but the preparer’s Social Security Number (SSN)
may be used when the paid preparer does not have a
PTIN. The paid preparer must also include his or her
fi rm’s Federal Employer Identifi cation Number (FEIN), if
applicable. The preparer must give you a copy of the return
for your records. Someone who prepares your return but
does not charge you should not sign your return or include
their PTIN or SSN.


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