Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 7


Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
Page 4
● E-check or credit card—please visit our website at
Line 18 – Montana Voluntary Check-Off for more information and instructions.
Contribution Programs
● Personal check, money order, or cashier’s check—
Montana law provides you with the opportunity to
please use the voucher that we have provided with this
contribute, via your income tax return, to the following
income tax booklet. Make your check payable to the
programs. You can contribute any amount to any of these
Montana Department of Revenue. Please sign your
four programs. Your contribution will increase the amount
check, and write your social security number and “Tax
you owe or reduce the amount of your refund.
Year 2011” on the memo line.
If you cannot pay the entire amount that you owe with your
tax return, we encourage you to fi le your tax return timely
and pay as much as you can. By fi ling and paying as much
Line 18a – Nongame Wildlife
as you can by April 17, 2012, you may not have to pay a
late fi le penalty and you can reduce the amount of your late
Your contributions to this program are used to ensure the
payment penalty and interest. If you need to establish a
well-being of Montana’s watchable wildlife species, such
payment plan, please call us toll free at (866) 859-2254 (in
as eagles, herons, bluebirds, great horned owls, loons,
Helena, 444-6900) as soon as possible to discuss payment
chipmunks, pikas, fl ying squirrels and painted turtles.
options and make arrangements.
Line 21 – Your Refund
If line 16 is greater than line 19, enter the difference. This is
your refund.
Line 18b – Child Abuse Prevention
Please be sure to save
Electronic Filers:
the tax information that you have entered.
Your contributions to this program fund services and
activities related to the prevention of child abuse and
Step 5. Direct Deposit Information
► Are You Ready?
● Get your routing and account number for your
checking or savings account if you will be
Line 18c – Agriculture in Montana
receiving a refund and would like the money to be
Schools Program
direct deposited.
Your contributions to this program fund the development
and presentation of educational programs. This
program ensures Montana’s young people have a better
If you would like to use direct deposit, enter your fi nancial
understanding of agriculture in our state and how it relates
institution’s routing number (RTN#) and your account
to the rest of the world.
number (ACCT#) in the space provided. Your routing
number will be nine digits and your account number can be
up to 17 characters, including numbers and letters. Mark
whether your account is a checking or savings account and
if your refund will go to a bank outside of the United States
Line 18d – Montana Military Family
and its territories (Midway Islands, Puerto Rico, American
Relief Fund
Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Federated States of Micronesia,
Your contributions to this program help provide funding
and Guam).
for grants that aid Montana families in defraying the costs
If your fi nancial institution does not accept the direct
of food, housing, utilities, medical services and other
deposit, we will mail you a refund check.
expenses when a wage earner has been called to active
A sample of a personal check is provided for your
military duty.
Amount You Owe or Your Refund
Line 20 – Amount You Owe
If line 19 is greater than line 16, enter the difference. This is
the amount you owe.
You can pay the amount you owe by:
● Electronic funds withdrawal when e-fi ling your joint
federal/state tax return.


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