Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 6


Page 3
Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
Line 17 – Late File Penalty, Late Payment Penalty
2011 Montana Individual Income Tax Table
and Interest
If Your
But Not
● Late File Penalty
This Is
Multiply Your
Income Is
Your Tax
If you fi le your tax return after April 17, 2012—or
More Than
Income By
October 15, 2012 with a valid extension—you will need
to pay a late fi le penalty if tax on line 15 is greater than
1% (0.010)
your withholding reported on line 16. You do not have
2% (0.020)
to pay a late fi le penalty if you are fi ling your tax return
3% (0.030)
late and you have a refund.
4% (0.040)
To calculate your late fi le penalty, subtract line 16
5% (0.050)
from line 15 and enter this amount or $50, whichever
6% (0.060)
amount is less.
More Than $16,000
6.9% (0.069)
● Late Payment Penalty
If you have not paid all of your income tax liability by
April 17, 2012, you will need to pay a late payment
Taxable income from Form 2EZ, line 14 ........... 1
penalty. Your late payment penalty is equal to 1.2%
Applicable tax rate from column A .................... 2
per month or part of a calendar month on the unpaid
Multiply amount on line 1 by rate on line 2 ....... 3
amount from April 17, 2012 until it is paid. For example,
if you do not pay your tax due until May 10, 2012, your
Amount from column B to be subtracted .......... 4
late payment penalty will be 2.4% (two parts of a month
Tax Liability. Subtract the amount on line 4
x 1.2%) of the unpaid tax. Please remember that an
from the amount on line 3. Enter the result
here and on Form 2EZ, line 15 ......................... 5
extension to fi le your tax return is not an extension to
pay your tax.
Please be sure to save
Electronic Filers:
To calculate your late payment penalty, subtract the
the tax information that you have entered.
amount on line 16 from line 15 and then multiply this
amount by 1.2% per month or part of a calendar month
Step 4. Tax, Payments and Refund
that your payment is late. Your late payment penalty
(Lines 16-21)
will never exceed 12% (10 months x 1.2%) of the
unpaid tax.
► Are you ready?
● Interest
● Get your Form(s) W-2 and/or 1099 if they show
If you have not paid 100% of your income tax liability
any tax withheld.
by April 17, 2012, you will have to pay 8% annual
interest, computed daily, on the amount you still owe.
► Did you...?
Remember, an extension of time to fi le your return
● Check your return to ensure you have no
does not extend the due date for paying your income
mathematical errors.
tax. Interest accrues from the original due date of your
● Make sure that your refund or amount due is
reported on the correct line.
To calculate your interest, subtract line 16 from
line 15 and then multiply this amount by 0.02192%
(0.0002192) times the number of days after April 17,
Line 16 – Total Payments
2012 that your tax is paid.
Enter the amount of the Montana income tax withheld from
If you owe more than one of the items listed for line 17,
your income. This amount is reported in Box 17 of your
enter each amount you owe on the following worksheet.
federal Form W-2, given to you by your employer. If you fi ll
out this line, you have to include a copy of your Form W-2
with this return. If you are fi ling electronically, you do not
Late fi le penalty
need to send us your Form W-2. You only need to keep a
Late payment penalty
copy in your records.
Montana mineral royalty tax withheld, or income tax
withheld as a result of an ownership interest in a pass-
through entity, cannot be reported on line 16. If you had this
Enter the total on Form 2EZ, line 17. (You may wish to
type of tax withheld, you cannot fi le Form 2EZ and should
keep this information as part of your records for future
instead fi le Form 2.


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