Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 5


Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
Page 2
Filing Status - (Mark only one box)
Line 8 – Exemption for Certain Taxed Tips and
Box 1 – Single
You can subtract any tips and gratuities that you received
You can claim this fi ling status if on December 31, 2011,
from customers while you worked in the food, beverage
or lodging industry. These tips and gratuities are included
● were single,
in the amount on line 3 above. All other tips and gratuities
that you received for providing services in other kinds of
● were legally separated according to your state law
businesses—such as hair stylists, paper carriers and river
under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance, or
guides—are not excluded.
● were widowed before January 1, 2011 and you did not
remarry in 2011.
Line 9 – Total Subtractions
If you are married, you cannot fi le separate Form 2EZ
Add lines 7 and 8; enter the result. This is your total
returns. You will have to fi le a joint tax return with your
spouse on Form 2M or 2EZ or fi le separately using Form 2.
Line 10 – Montana Adjusted Gross Income
Box 2 – Married Filing Jointly
Subtract line 9 from line 6 and enter the result on line 10.
You can claim this fi ling status if:
This is your Montana adjusted gross income.
● you were married as of December 31, 2011, even if you
Please be sure to save
did not live with your spouse at the end of 2011, or
Electronic Filers:
the tax information that you have entered.
● your spouse died in 2011 and you did not remarry in
2011, or
Step 3. Tax Liability (Lines 11-15)
● you were married as of December 31, 2011 and your
spouse died in 2012 before fi ling a 2011 tax return.
► Are you ready?
You and your spouse can fi le a joint tax return even though
● Fill out the standard deduction worksheet on the
one of you has no income or deductions, but please note
back of Form 2EZ.
that both spouses have to sign the tax return.
► Did you...?
Please be sure to save
Electronic Filers:
● Subtract the amount indicated in column B of the
the tax information that you have entered.
tax table in these instructions after you multiply
your income by the percentage in column A.
Step 2. Income (Lines 3-10)
► Are you ready?
Line 11 – Standard Deduction
● Fill out your 2011 federal tax return.
To calculate your standard deduction, complete the
worksheet found on the back of Form 2EZ and enter the
► Did you...?
● Enter the amount of exempt unemployment
income on line 7 if you report unemployment
Line 12 – Exemption Amount
income on line 5.
If you marked box “1. Single” at the top of Form 2EZ, enter
$2,190. If you marked box “2. Married fi ling jointly,” enter
Lines 3 through 5
On lines 3 through 5, enter the amounts that you reported
Line 13 – Total Deductions and Exemptions
for these items on your federal individual income tax return,
Add lines 11 and 12; enter the result. This is your total
Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ.
deductions and exemptions.
Line 6 – Calculate Your Federal Income
Line 14 – Montana Taxable Income
Add lines 3 through 5 and enter the result here. This is
Subtract line 13 from line 10 and enter the result. Do
your federal adjusted gross income that should match your
not enter a number less than zero. This is your Montana
federal tax return.
taxable income.
Line 7 – Exempt Unemployment Compensation
Tax Computation
If you have received unemployment benefi ts from Montana
or from another state, these benefi ts are exempt from
Line 15 – Total Tax Liability
Montana tax. Enter the same amount that you put on line 5
Use the following table and worksheet to calculate your tax.
The tax table is also on the back of Form 2EZ.


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