Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 2


Dear Montana Taxpayers:
Thank you for fi ling your individual income tax returns—you do a great job! By working together, you help make
Montana a great place to live, work and raise a family.
Your Montana Department of Revenue is committed to providing the best possible tax services to the citizens of our
great state. That means providing you with helpful ways to fi le and pay your individual income taxes.
You can electronically fi le Form 2EZ for free through our website at Our Taxpayer Access Point (TAP)
service provides you many options, including methods to fi le, pay and look up your Montana tax account information
online that are simple, secure and convenient. Other e-fi le options include using software that you purchase, using
approved e-fi le software online, or visiting a tax professional who is an Authorized IRS E-fi le Provider. In addition,
you’ll fi nd no-cost options for tax fi ling and tax assistance at as well as You also can fi le
traditionally with the paper form.
We strongly encourage you to use electronic options to fi le your return and to pay your tax due or receive your refund.
Electronic options are simple, secure, and convenient.
As always, we promise to do the best that we can to provide you with the most accurate and timely assistance to
help you fi le your tax returns. We work hard to ensure that all citizens and businesses pay their fair share of Montana
taxes—no more and no less. Together, we’re making our tax system work for all Montanans!
Best regards,
Dan Bucks, Director
Montana Department of Revenue
Where Your Income Tax Dollar Goes
The table to the right shows where your individual and
Education ................................................50%
corporate income tax dollars (about 14% of total state
Health and Human Services ..................20%
and local revenues) were spent in 2009. For the charts
Public Safety and Corrections ..............13%
below, the left chart shows the sources of revenue for
Transfers to Local Governments ............5%
both state and local governments in Montana for 2008,
General Government Operations ............8%
the most recent year for which totals are compiled.
The right chart shows state and local spending.
Other ..........................................................4%
Total Spending ......................................100%
What are Montana’s
Where Do Your
Public Revenues?
Public Dollars Go?
Total Montana State
Total State and Local
and Local Revenue,
Spending in Montana,
Fiscal Year Ending 2008
Fiscal Year Ending 2008


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