Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 16


Montana Department of Revenue
Post Offi ce Box 5805
Helena, MT 59604-5805
No Return
Include all state schedules that support fi gures on
If you fi le your tax return electronically, be sure to:
your tax return. Do not include worksheets or blank
Receive confi rmation that your return was accepted by
the Montana Department of Revenue.
Keep a copy of your return with all schedules,
Schedule an electronic payment or send a check or
worksheets, receipts and other supporting documents.
money order by April 17, 2012 if you have tax due.
Mail your return to the correct address.
Keep a copy of your return with all schedules,
worksheets, receipts and other supporting documents.
If you have a refund or no payment due:
Montana Department of Revenue
If you fi le your tax return by mail, be sure to:
PO Box 6577
Sign the tax return. If you are fi ling a joint return, your
Helena, MT 59604-6577
spouse must also sign the return.
If you are sending a payment and voucher:
Sign your check or money order if you have included a
Montana Department of Revenue
payment. Do not send cash.
PO Box 6308
Include all W-2s and any 1099s reporting Montana
Helena, MT 59604-6308
withholding that you were issued for 2011.
We value your comments and
The Montana Department of Revenue
My Refund?
works for you.
That’s why we look forward to hearing
what you have to say. Please let us
know how we are doing by completing
the improvement survey attached to this
instruction booklet. Your comments and
Click on the Where’s
suggestions will help us do an even better
job for you. And that makes our tax system
My Refund link.
work for all Montanans!


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