Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 14


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Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
and do not report the wages that you earned in
I have heard that special rules apply to wages
Montana as “Montana source income.”
that Montana residents earn in North Dakota,
You can also claim an exemption from future Montana
or North Dakota residents earn in Montana.
withholding by completing Montana Form NR-2
What are those rules?
annually. File one copy with your employer and one
Montana and North Dakota have a reciprocal agreement.
with us by February 28 of the calendar year for which
If a Montana resident performs personal or professional
you want it to apply, or within 30 days after you begin
services for an employer in North Dakota, the wages are
working or change your permanent residence. You
treated as being earned in Montana and the Montana
can get this form from your employer, by visiting our
resident does not have to fi le a North Dakota income tax
website at, or by writing to Montana
return reporting those wages. If a North Dakota resident
Department of Revenue, PO Box 5805, Helena, MT
performed personal or professional services for an
employer in Montana, the wages are treated as being
earned in North Dakota and the North Dakota resident
What should I do if I did not receive a Form
does not have to fi le a Montana income tax return reporting
W-2, wage and tax statement, from my
those wages. The agreement also covers withholding
employer or I misplaced it?
taxes. Withholding is not required on wages treated as
Your employer is required to issue a Form W-2 by January
earned in the other state. The Montana-North Dakota
31 if you earned wages during the previous calendar year.
agreement applies only to wages; other types of income,
If you haven’t received your W-2 form by that date or you
such as the self-employment income of an independent
misplaced it, request your employer to reissue it. You
contractor or mineral royalties, are not included.
may also obtain this information anytime by completing
● I am a Montana resident. How do those rules apply
a Request for Copies of Tax Information (Form RTI) and
to me?
submitting it to us in person, by fax or by mail. You can
You should report all of your wages on your Montana
obtain this form by visiting or by calling us
return—you are not required to fi le a North Dakota
toll free at (866) 859-2254 (in Helena, 444-6900).
income tax return (unless your employer withheld North
You still must fi le your tax return on time even if you do not
Dakota taxes on wages covered by the agreement and
receive your Form W-2. If you do not receive the missing
you need to fi le a North Dakota return to get a refund
information in time to fi le, you may complete federal Form
of those taxes). You can also claim an exemption from
4852, Substitute for Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.
future North Dakota withholding by completing North
Attach Form 4852 to the return, estimating income and
Dakota Form NDW-R and giving it to your North Dakota
withholding taxes as accurately as possible. There may be
employer. You can get this form from your employer,
a delay in any refund due while the information is verifi ed.
by visiting North Dakota’s website at or
Keep a copy of the completed Form 4852 for your records.
by writing to Offi ce of State Tax Commissioner, State
If you receive a Form W-2 or W-2C (corrected form)
Capitol, Bismarck, ND 58505.
after you have fi led your return using Form 4852 and the
● I am a North Dakota resident. How do those rules
information differs from what you reported on your return,
apply to me?
you must amend your Montana individual income tax
You should report all of your wages on your North
Dakota return—you are not required to fi le a Montana
income tax return (unless your employer withheld
How long do I need to maintain my tax records
Montana taxes on wages covered by the agreement
after I have fi led my state tax return?
and you need to fi le a Montana return to get a refund
You should keep all your records for at least fi ve years
of those taxes). If you have to fi le a Montana return
from the date that you fi led your Montana tax return. This
to get a refund, fi le a paper return on Form 2, include
is called the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations
Montana Form NR-1, North Dakota Reciprocal Affi davit,
for Montana individual income tax purposes is fi ve years,
and a copy of your North Dakota income tax return and
and the statute of limitations for federal individual income
mail them to us by April 17, 2012. File as a nonresident
tax purposes is three years. You should keep your property
records and carryover information even longer.
Where’s My Refund?
Click on the Where’s My Refund link.


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