Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 13


Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
Page 10
If you do not pay your tax liability by April 17, 2012, you will
or your spouse) can extend the fi ling of your Montana tax
also be charged interest at a rate of 8% per year, accrued
return for up to 180 days after your last day in a combat
daily. If you can’t pay your tax in full, you should fi le your
tax return by the due date and pay as much as you can
If you are fi ling your tax return under this provision, clearly
with your tax return. If you wish to set up a payment plan,
write on the top of Montana Form 2, using red ink, “combat
please call us toll free at (866) 859-2254 (in Helena, 444-
zone or contingency operations extension,” and fi le your tax
6900) as soon as possible to discuss payment options and
return within 180 days after your last day in a combat zone.
make arrangements to pay.
If you fi le within the 180 days, you are not assessed any
When you fi le as married fi ling separately on the same form
penalties or interest.
or on separate forms and both spouses owe tax, penalties
My spouse has a past-due child support
and interest need to be calculated separately for each
obligation and I don’t want my refund to be
applied to this debt. What can I do?
Whether you just pay your tax late or are making a
payment as part of a payment plan you established with
If you do not want your refund to be applied toward
us, be sure to include your name, social security number
your spouse’s child support obligation, you can fi le your
and the tax year for which the payment is to be applied
Montana tax return using Form 2 and fi ling status 3b, which
clearly on your payment. If you intend to have one payment
is “married fi ling separate tax returns on separate forms.”
applied to more than one social security number or tax
When using this fi ling status, each spouse claims his or her
year, please include a statement with your payment that
own income, losses, deductions, expenses, exemptions
tells us how you want us to apply your payment.
and credits, and your Montana refund would not be offset
by your spouse’s child support debt.
What is the interest rate on unpaid taxes?
If you fi led a joint return with your spouse and your refund
The current interest rate is 8%, and it will continue to be in
was applied to your spouse’s child support debt, you may
effect through December 31, 2012. Under Montana law, the
be considered an “injured spouse” and we can help you
interest rate for all unpaid individual income taxes depends
resolve the matter. You need to contact us within 30 days
on the rate set by the Internal Revenue Service and may
after receiving notice that your refund was applied to your
fl uctuate each year, but will not be less than 8%.
spouse’s child support debt. If necessary, we can help you
fi le the correct tax return(s).
How can I check on my refund?
You can check the status of a refund you are expecting
A mental or physical disability prevents me
by visiting our website at and going to the
from completing and fi ling a tax return. What
“Where’s My Refund?” link. You can also check the status
can I do?
of your refund by calling us toll free at (866) 859-2254 (in
If you have a fi ling obligation but are unable to complete
Helena, 444-6900). We will be glad to tell you the status
and fi le a tax return because of a mental or physical
of your refund once we have entered it into our computer
disability, the tax return can be prepared by your authorized
agent, guardian or person responsible for your care and
Whether you are checking the status of your refund
online or by phone, you will need to provide the following
How do I fi le for a deceased person?
● The social security number of the fi rst taxpayer’s name
If you are responsible for the fi nancial affairs of a deceased
on your tax return;
person, you’ll have to fi le a tax return for that person if his
or her income exceeds the minimum fi ling requirements
● The amount of the refund requested as shown on your
found in FAQ
. If you and the deceased person were
tax return; and
married, you can fi le a joint tax return. If you are fi ling a
● Your federal adjusted gross income as shown on your
joint return and you are the surviving spouse, that is all
tax return.
that is required. All other fi lers requesting the deceased
taxpayer’s refund must fi le the return and include a federal
I am on active duty in the regular armed forces
Form 1310 as well as any court documents appointing you
and currently serving in an area designated as
as the personal representative.
a “combat zone” or “contingency operations.”
This tax return has to include the income of that deceased
I am unable to fi le my 2011 Montana tax return
spouse from the beginning of the year to the date of death
by April 17, 2012. Can I (and my spouse) obtain
in addition to the income of the surviving spouse for the
an extension to fi le?
entire year. Income of the deceased person received
Yes, you can. Montana law follows federal law with
after the date of death should not be included on an
respect to the time allowed for fi ling a return. Therefore,
individual tax return. Post-death income is reported on a
the extension of time to fi le your Montana tax return is the
fi duciary income tax return for a trust or estate, Montana
same for fi ling your federal tax return. If you are serving
Form FID-3.
in a combat zone or in a contingency operation, you (and/


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