Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 12


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Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
to make your payment online by visiting our website at
If I fi le my return electronically, what
information do I have to send in and what
Any extension of time to fi le your Montana income tax
documents do I have to retain?
return is not an extension of time to pay your income tax
If you fi le electronically, you don’t have to mail in a paper
liability. If you have a valid Montana extension but you
copy of your tax return, any accompanying federal Form(s)
have not paid your entire 2011 income tax liability by April
W-2 or 1099, or any other Montana supplemental forms.
17, 2012, you are relieved of late fi le penalties but you
When you fi le your tax return electronically, you represent
are not relieved of late pay penalties and interest on your
that you have kept all the documents required as your tax
outstanding Montana income tax liability.
record and that you will provide copies of these if we ask
for them. You also don’t have to sign a copy of your tax
What do I do if I made an error on my tax
return and submit it to us. The act of completing and fi ling
return and I now want to correct it?
your tax return electronically is considered your authorized
If you discover that your tax return was incorrect, you have
fi ve years from the due date of the original tax return to fi le
an amended Montana tax return to correct the mistake.
What options do I have to pay my Montana
Please mark the “Amended Return” box found in the upper
taxes electronically?
left-hand corner of the Montana tax return.
You can pay your Montana taxes electronically by using
Include copies of any schedules submitted with the original
any of the following methods:
fi ling, even if none of the amounts previously reported have
● Electronic funds withdrawal when e-fi ling your joint
federal/state tax return. (There is no fee for an
Montana AMD Worksheet is available to help you reconcile
electronic funds withdrawal.)
the changes to the original tax return. Although not
● E-checks (There is no fee for an e-check payment.)
required, we suggest that you complete and include AMD
● Credit/debit cards (A small fee is applied for a credit
Worksheet, or a similar form outlining the changes, with
card payment.)
your corrected tax return. AMD Worksheet does not serve
To pay your Montana taxes electronically by e-check or
as an amended return on its own. You can download AMD
using a credit/debit card, please visit
Worksheet from our website at
If you fi le an amended tax return that refl ects an increased
What happens if I do not fi le my Montana tax
tax liability, you may have the late payment penalty waived.
return on time?
To receive the waiver, simply mark the “Amended Return”
If you fi le your tax return late, you will need to pay a late fi le
box on the top left-hand corner of the tax return and pay
penalty of $50 or the amount of tax due, whichever is less.
the tax and applicable interest in full when you fi le the
You do not owe a late fi le penalty if you fi le a late tax return
amended return. By marking this box and paying all tax and
for which you are receiving a refund. Please remember
interest, you are treated as having requested a waiver of
that your return is considered late if you fi le after April 17,
the late payment penalty.
2012, unless you qualifi ed for an extension. If you were
granted an automatic, six-month extension, your return is
I have fi led an amended federal tax return with
considered late after October 15, 2012.
the Internal Revenue Service, or the Internal
Revenue Service has adjusted my federal
What if I need more time to fi le my Montana tax
tax return. Do I have to report this change to
Montana? If so, how do I report this change?
You are granted an automatic, six-month extension of
Yes, you have to report the change to Montana. Within
time for fi ling your Montana income tax return if you have
90 days after you receive notifi cation that the Internal
paid 90% of your 2011 Montana income tax liability or
Revenue Service changed or corrected your federal taxable
100% of your 2010 Montana income tax liability through
income, or 90 days after you change your federal taxable
your estimated tax payments, your withholding tax, or a
income by fi ling an amended federal return, you have to
combination of both your estimated and withholding tax
fi le an amended Montana tax return. If you do not fi le an
payments by April 17, 2012. You do not have to apply for a
amended Montana return within that 90 days, we will have
federal extension in order to receive a Montana extension.
fi ve years to adjust your Montana tax return to refl ect the
Please use the Montana Form EXT-11, 2011 Extension
changes made on your federal tax return or make any other
Payment Worksheet, to determine if you have to make
assessments of additional tax.
an extension payment by April 17, 2012, to qualify for the
automatic fi ling extension. You can get a copy of this form
What happens if my payment is late?
by visiting our website at or calling us toll
If you do not pay all of your tax on or before April 17, 2012,
free at (866) 859-2254 (in Helena, 444-6900). If you are
you will need to pay a late payment penalty. This penalty
required to make an extension payment, please use the
is 1.2% per month or fraction of a calendar month on the
tax payment voucher found on this worksheet or sign up
unpaid tax. This penalty cannot exceed 12% of the tax due.


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