Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 11


Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
Page 8
If you are fi ling a tax return that includes a payment, please
What does the checkbox that asks “Do you
mail your tax return and check to:
want to allow another person to discuss this
Montana Department of Revenue
return with us?” mean?
PO Box 6308
If you mark the “Yes” box, we can discuss any concerns
Helena, MT 59604-6308
that we might have with your 2011 tax return—for example,
a missing W-2—with a third party designee. If you mark
What options do I have to fi le my Montana tax
the “No” box or do not mark a box, we cannot discuss your
return electronically?
return with anyone but you or someone to whom you have
● File your Montana tax form FREE through our website.
given a power of attorney that allows us to discuss the
For more information, please visit
return with them.
Please note that this service only applies to your
If you are fi ling a joint return, you are automatically
Montana tax return; you may still have to fi le a federal
authorizing us to discuss the joint return with either spouse,
tax return.
but you will still need to complete the third party designee
● File both your Montana and federal tax returns through
section if you wish to allow another person, such as a tax
the “federal/state electronic online fi ling program,”
preparer, to discuss your return.
which is a cooperative effort between the Internal
By marking “Yes,” you are also authorizing us to:
Revenue Service (IRS) and state tax revenue agencies
● Request that the third party designee give us any
(this option may be free or low-cost). Additional
information that is missing from your return.
information can be found at or on our
● Respond to the third party designee’s call to us for
website at This option allows you to
information about the processing of your return or the
electronically fi le your federal and state tax returns at
status of your refund or 2011 payment(s).
the same time.
● Discuss certain notices from us about math errors,
● File through a tax professional who is an Authorized
offsets and return preparation. Note: The department
IRS E-fi le Provider.
will only send notices directly to you, not to the third
● File by using software that you download which helps
party designee.
you to prepare and electronically fi le your federal
You are not authorizing the third party designee to receive
and state tax returns at the same time. A listing of
any refund check, bind you to anything (including any
approved e-fi le vendors can be found on our website at
additional tax liability), receive any information about any
other tax year or tax matter, or otherwise represent you
● File by using one of the free electronic fi ling options
before the department.
listed on . Some options have
Please be aware that this authorization cannot be revoked.
eligibility requirements.
The authorization will, however, automatically end no later
Please see the following chart to fi nd out which e-fi ling
than the due date, without regard to extensions, for fi ling
methods are available to you as a fi rst-time fi ler, full-year
your next year’s (2012) tax return. This is April 15, 2013, for
resident, part-year resident or nonresident.
most people.
In 2011, I was a…
If you want to expand or change the third party designee’s
authorization (for example, to verify any estimated
fi ler
payments you’ll be making in the future), you can use
E-fi le with tax
Form POA, Power of Attorney, Authorization to Disclose
Tax Information. Form POA is available on our website
at You also can grant your third party
E-fi le with
designee access to your tax account information through
Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) at
E-fi le through
If I choose to fi le a paper return, where do I
mail it?
E-fi le through
MT Direct
We have two different mailing addresses for your paper
return, if you choose not to fi le electronically. We do this so
that if you are asking for a refund, we can get your refund
*Taxpayer Access Point (TAP) is a free electronic service for
processed and to you more quickly and effi ciently.
accessing your Montana tax account information, fi ling your
return, paying your tax and more. Visit
If you are fi ling a tax return that includes no payment or if
**MT Direct File is a free electronic service for fi ling your return
you are due a refund, please mail your tax return to:
without signing up for account access. Visit
Montana Department of Revenue
***If you are a nonresident or part-year resident who has
PO Box 6577
previously fi led a Montana income tax return, you may use this
Helena, MT 59604-6577
option. If you have not previously fi led, you cannot sign up for
account access and e-fi le through TAP.


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