Montana Form 2ez Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2011 Page 10


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Instructions for fi ling Montana Form 2EZ
● The only tax credit that I may be claiming is one (or
Do I have to fi le a Montana individual income
more) of the following:
tax return?
○ Adoption Credit
If you are a resident, nonresident, or part-year resident, you
○ Elderly Homeowner/Renter Credit (Form 2EC)
have to fi le a Montana individual income tax return when
you have Montana source income and your federal gross
○ College Contribution Credit (Form CC)
income, excluding unemployment compensation, is equal
○ Energy Conservation Installation Credit (Form
to or greater than the threshold for your fi ling status.
IF your fi ling status
AND at the end of
THEN you have to
○ Elderly Care Credit (Form ECC)
2011 you were…
fi le a tax return if
○ Alternative Energy Systems Credit (Form ENRG-B)
your federal gross
You will have to use the Montana Form 2 if you answer
income, excluding
yes to any of the following:
compensation was
● I was a resident of Montana for only part of 2011.
at least…
● I am a nonresident of Montana with Montana source
Under 65
Single, or married
fi ling separately
65 or older
● I am married, fi ling a separate Montana income tax
Under 65
Head of household
65 or older
● My income includes income from a business or
Both under 65
profession, farm or ranch, rents, royalties, partnerships,
S corporations, estates or trusts.
One spouse 65 or
Married fi ling jointly
● My tax year ended on a date other than December 31,
with your spouse
Both spouses 65 or
● I am claiming the tax withheld from my Montana
You are entitled to an additional exemption if you are blind or
mineral royalty payments.
your spouse is blind. Increase your federal gross income by
● I am claiming the tax withheld by a pass-through entity
$2,190 to determine if you are required to fi le.
(Montana Schedule K-1 or Form PT-WH).
I have to fi le a Montana individual income tax
How do I know whether I am a full-year
return. Which form is appropriate for me and
resident, nonresident, or a part-year resident
my situation?
of Montana for individual income tax
To use Montana Form 2EZ, you should be able to answer
yes to all of the following:
You are a resident of Montana for individual income
● I was a Montana resident for all of 2011.
tax purposes if you live in Montana or if you maintain
● I am fi ling as a single person or as a married person
a permanent home in Montana. A permanent home in
fi ling a joint tax return.
Montana means a dwelling place you habitually use as
your home, whether or not you own it and whether or not
● My spouse and I were under 65 and not blind at the
you may someday leave. You do not lose your Montana
end of 2011.
residency if you leave the state temporarily with the
● I am claiming no dependents.
intention of returning. Your Montana residency is lost when
● My only income is from wages, interest, dividends, or
you move outside of Montana with no intention of returning.
unemployment compensation.
Unless there is a specifi c exception under Montana law, if
● I am claiming the standard deduction rather than
you establish Montana residency for any other purpose,
itemizing deductions.
you are considered a Montana resident for income tax
● I am not claiming any credits.
You are a nonresident of Montana if you were not a
To use Montana Form 2M, you should be able to answer
resident during any part of the tax year.
yes to all of the following:
You are a part-year resident of Montana if you moved to
● I was a Montana resident for all of 2011.
or from Montana during the tax year with the intention of
● I am fi ling as a single person, head of household, or as
establishing a permanent residence in your new state.
a married person fi ling a joint tax return.
A nonresident or part-year resident who is required to fi le a
● My only income is from wages, interest, dividends,
Montana tax return needs to use Form 2.
capital gains, IRA distributions, pensions, annuities,
unemployment compensation, social security benefi ts
When do I have to fi le my Montana tax return?
or refunds.
Your 2011 Form 2EZ tax return is required to be fi led by
April 17, 2012. If fi ling after April 17, 2012, please see


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