Instructions For Form Rct-121b - Gross Premiums Tax Report For Foreign Life Or Foreign Title Insurance Companies Page 3


General Information for RCT-121B
RCT-121B-I (1-15)
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Last Report
• Enter “Y” in the block on Page 1 if this report will be the last report filed with the department. Indicate the effective date of the event
• Include information from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department verifying the taxpayer’s insurance license expired, was cancelled
or not renewed.
• Include a copy of the regulatory authority’s approval of the merger, dissolution, plan of reorganization and/or articles of merger.
• Provide the Revenue ID and FEIN of the surviving entity, if applicable.
Corporate Officer Information
A corporate officer must sign and date the tax report. The signature must be original; photocopies or faxes will not be accepted. Print the
first and last name, title, Social Security number, telephone number and email address of the corporate officer.
Preparer’s Information
Paid preparers must sign and date the tax report. If the preparer works for a firm, provide the name, FEIN and address of the firm along
with the name, telephone number, email address and PTIN/SSN of the individual preparing the report. If the preparer is an individual
without any association to a firm, provide the name, address, telephone number, email address and PTIN/SSN of the individual prepar-
ing the report.
Estimated Payment Instructions
All accounts are expected to remit estimated prepayments toward the final liability a corporation estimates is due for the taxable year.
Prepayment for gross premiums tax is due March 15 of the reported year. Tax remaining due at the close of the taxable year must be
paid on or before April 15 of the following year.
Should a corporation realize estimated tax is underpaid, additional payments should be submitted to minimize underpayment penalty.
Underpayment is measured against 90 percent of the tax reported due for the taxable year. However, if the final total tax increases the
self-reported tax by 10 percent or more, the underpayment will be measured against 90 percent of the final total tax. The period of
underpayment is measured from the due date of the installment to the date the underpayment is paid or the date the safe harbor is sat-
isfied. A corporation may avoid interest charges by timely paying estimated tax equal to the liability in the second-prior taxable year
(safe harbor). This amount must be adjusted to reflect the tax rate and law for the estimated tax year and must reflect the total liabil-
ity if it exceeds the self-reported liability by 10 percent or more. Where the second-prior year is a short period, the safe harbor is annu-
alized. Second year corporations may use the immediate prior year (annualized if necessary) as the base year for the safe harbor. Mail
the estimated payment coupon (REV-423) separately from all other forms.
If you have questions regarding estimated payments, call the Accounting Division at 717-705-6225 (Option 5, then Option 1 or 3).
Extension Request Due Date
To request a due date extension of up to 60 days to file the annual report, you must file an extension request (REV-426) by the original
report due date. However, an extension of time to file does not extend the deadline for payment of tax and an extension request must be
accompanied by payment of taxes owed for the taxable year for which the extension is requested. Mail the extension coupon separately
from all other forms. A taxpayer using an electronic method to make a payment with an extension request should not submit the extension
coupon. Do not use the extension coupon to remit other unpaid liabilities or commonwealth obligations within the account.
Payment and Mailing Information
Remittance should include tax plus interest and penalty, if applicable. Penalty and interest calculators can be found at
All payments of $1,000 or more made after Dec. 31, 2013, must be made electronically. Failure to make a
payment by an approved method will result in the imposition of a 3 percent penalty of the tax due, up to $500. For more information on
electronic filing options, visit Payments under $1,000 may be remitted by mail, made payable to the PA
Department of Revenue.
Mail payments, extension requests and Tax Report, RCT-121B, to the following address:
PO BOX 280407
HARRISBURG, PA 17128-0407
NOTE: Reports should NOT be mailed to the PA Department of Insurance – this will delay the processing of your report and does not
satisfy the filing requirements.
Current Period Overpayment
If an overpayment exists on Page 1 of RCT-121B, the taxpayer must instruct the department to refund or transfer overpayment as indicat-
ed below.
Refund: Identify the amount to refund from the current tax period overpayment. Prior to any refund, the department will offset current
period liabilities and other unpaid liabilities or commonwealth obligations within the account.
Transfer: Identify the amount to transfer from the current tax period overpayment to the next tax period for estimated tax purposes. Prior
to any transfer, the department will offset current period liabilities and other unpaid liabilities or commonwealth obligations within the
NOTE: If no option is selected, the department will automatically transfer any overpayment to the next tax year for estimated tax pur-
poses after offsetting current period liabilities and other unpaid liabilities or commonwealth obligations within the account.
Requests for Refund or Transfer of Available Credit
Requests for refund or transfer of available credit from prior periods can be faxed on company letterhead, signed by an authorized repre-
sentative, to 717-705-6227.


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