Form 4572 - Michigan Business Tax Charitable Contribution Credits - 2013 Page 2


Instructions for Form 4572
Michigan Business Tax (MBT) Charitable Contribution Credits
qualifies for this credit, a taxpayer that also is subject to the
Michigan Income Tax Act (PA 281 of 1967) may choose to
To allow standard taxpayers to claim the charitable contribution
claim a credit on the Individual Income Tax return or the MBT
credits. Credits are calculated here and then carried to the MBT
return, but not both.
Nonrefundable Credits Summary (Form 4568).
NOTE: Financial institutions and insurance companies are not
A partial credit is allowed for Corporations and Partnerships
(and Limited Liability Companies federally taxed as such) when
eligible for these credits.
NOTE: Beginning January 1, 2012, only those taxpayers
donations are made during the taxable year to public broadcast
with a certificated credit, which is awarded but not yet fully
stations located in Michigan, Michigan public libraries,
institutions of higher learning located in Michigan or a nonprofit
claimed or utilized, may elect to be MBT taxpayers. If a
taxpayer files an MBT return and claims a certificated credit,
corporation, fund, foundation, trust, or association organized
and operated exclusively for the benefit of an institution of
the taxpayer makes the election to file and pay under the MBT
until the certificated credit and any carryforward of that credit
higher learning, the Michigan Colleges Foundation, and the
Michigan Housing and Community Development Fund. A
are exhausted. A taxpayer making a valid certificated credit
taxpayer that also is subject to the Michigan Income Tax Act
election may also claim the credits on this form.
(PA 281 of 1967) may not claim this credit under the MBT.
Special Instructions for Unitary Business Groups
Credits are generally earned and calculated on a group basis,
A partial credit is allowed when donations are made to either of
unless the relevant statute contains entity-specific provisions.
the following:
These credits, including the ceilings on these credits, are
• Category A: A municipality or a nonprofit corporation
calculated on a group basis.
affiliated with a municipality and an art, historical, or
Complete one Form 4572 for the group.
zoological institute for the purpose of benefiting the art,
historical, or zoological institute, OR
Line-by-Line Instructions
• Category B: An institute devoted to the procurement, care,
Lines not listed are explained on the form.
study, and display of objects of lasting interest or value.
Name and Account Number: Enter name and account number
To calculate the Arts and Culture Credit, a taxpayer may count
as reported on page 1 of the MBT Annual Return (Form 4567).
aggregate contributions to the charities described in Category
A above if those contributions exceed $50,000, as well as
aggregate contributions to charities described in Category B if
those contributions exceed $50,000. A taxpayer is not precluded
from taking the credit for donations made to both categories as
A partial credit is allowed when donating to the endowment
fund of a certified community foundation or education
long as the taxpayer meets the minimum donation separately for
each category and does not exceed the overall credit limitation of
foundation. A complete list is in the MBT Forms and
Instructions for Standard Taxpayers (Form 4600). If a valid
code is not entered, a credit will not be allowed. If donations
Contributions within a category may be aggregated to reach
were made to more than two foundations, attach a list
the $50,000 minimum. However, contributions made to one
referencing the additional foundations. For a contribution to
category may not be aggregated with contributions to the other
a community foundation endowment, a taxpayer that also is
to reach the $50,000 minimum.
subject to the Michigan Income Tax Act (Public Act (PA) 281
Line 16: Use the worksheet below to calculate the donation
of 1967) may choose to claim a credit on the Individual Income
Tax return or the MBT return, but not both. A contribution to
an education foundation endowment, however, is available only
If aggregate contributions to Category A institutions
exceed $50,000, enter that aggregate amount here
under the MBT.
If aggregate contributions to Category B institutions
exceed $50,000, enter that aggregate amount here
A partial credit is allowed when making a cash donation to a
qualifying shelter for homeless persons, food kitchen, food
TOTAL Arts and Culture donation amount .................
bank, or other entity whose primary purpose is to provide
overnight accommodations, food, or meals to indigent persons.
For more information, see Michigan Compiled Law 208.1427,
Include completed Form 4572 as part of the tax return filing.
found online at For a donation that
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