Form 2220-K - Underpayment And Late Payment Of Estimated Income Tax And Llet - 2013 Page 4


Page 4
41A720-S6 (10-13)
Commonwealth of Kentucky
June 1 and before September 2 of the taxable calendar
made on or before December 15, enter the payment on
year, enter September 15 and December 15 in Columns
Line 7, Column (a); or (ii) if the payment was made after
(a) and (b); and (iii) if the tax for the taxable year was
December 15, do not enter the payment on Line 7.
reasonably expected to exceed $5,000 after September 1
of the taxable calendar year, enter December 15 in Column
Line 8—Enter the amount from Line 14 of the preceding
(a). If the tax return is for a fiscal year, enter the 15th day
column. This line does not apply to the first installment.
of the sixth month, 15th day of the ninth month and 15th
day of the 12th month. Note: If a payment date falls on a
Line 9—Enter the total of Lines 7 and 8. This line does not
holiday or weekend, the applicable payment date is the
apply to the first installment.
next working day.
Line 10—Enter the total of Lines 12 and 13 of the preceding
Line 6—Enter the amount of the estimated tax due as
column. This line does not apply to the first installment.
follows: (i) if you entered three installment dates on Line
5, enter 50% of the estimated tax due for the taxable
Line 11—Enter the amount of Line 9 less Line 10. If zero
year (estimated tax due equals Line 3, Column (c)) under
or less, enter zero (-0-). For the first installment, enter
Column (a), 25% under Column (b), and 25% under
the amount from Line 7.
Column (c); (ii) if you entered two installment dates on
Line 5, enter 75 % of the estimated tax due under Column
Line 12—If the amount on Line 11 is zero, enter the amount
(a) and 25% under Column (b); or (iii) if you entered one
of Line 10 less Line 9; otherwise, enter zero (-0-). This
installment date on Line 5, enter 100% of the estimated
line does not apply to the first installment.
tax due under Column (a).
Line 13—If Line 11 is less than or equal to Line 6, enter
Line 7—Enter the estimated tax paid for each installment
the amount of Line 6 less Line 11.
period. Also, for the first installment, enter this amount on
Line 11. Estimated tax includes the credit from the prior
Line 14—If Line 6 is less than Line 11, enter the amount
year, withholding tax, certified rehabilitation tax credit
of Line 11 less Line 6.
and film industry tax credit. The withholding tax, certified
rehabilitation tax credit and film industry tax credit are
Line 15—Enter the date the underpayment on Line 13 was
considered to have been paid based on the percentages
paid or the 15th day of the fourth month after the close of
due on the estimated tax due dates as provided by the
the tax year, whichever is earlier. A payment of estimated
instructions on Line 6, unless you can show otherwise.
tax is applied against unpaid required installments in
the order in which the installments are required to be
If you are required to make three installments—Enter
paid, regardless of the installment to which the payment
estimated tax payments as follows: (i) if the payment was
made on or before June 15, enter the payment on Line 7,
Column (a); (ii) if the payment was made after June 15 but
Line 16—Enter the interest due on the tax underpayment
by September 15, enter the payment on Line 7, Column
on Line 13. If the corporation or limited liability pass-
(b); (iii) if the payment was made after September 15 but
through entity has more than one payment for the
by December 15, enter the payment on Line 7, Column
underpayment, attach a separate computation for each
(c); or (iv) if the payment was made after December 15,
payment. The interest rate is 6 percent for calendar year
do not enter the payment on Line 7.
2013. The tax interest rate for 2014 is available online at
, or you may contact the Department
If you are required to make two installments—Enter
of Revenue at (502) 564-8139.
estimated tax payments as follows: (i) if the payment
was made on or before September 15, enter the payment
on Line 7, Column (a); (ii) if the payment was made after
September 15 but by December 15, enter the payment on
Line 1—Add the amounts in Part III, Line 16 (all columns)
Line 7, Column (b); or (iii) if the payment was made after
and multiply the total by the percentages on Part III, Line
December 15, do not enter the payment on Line 7.
4, and enter the respective amounts on Line 1, Columns
(a), (b) and (c). Also, enter the interest amounts in Columns
If you are required to make one installment—Enter
(a) and (b) on the Tax Payment Summary under the LLET
estimated tax payments as follows: (i) if the payment was
summary and Income summary, respectively.


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