Schedule I (Form 990) - Grants And Other Assistance To Organizations, Governments, And Individuals In The United States - 2013 Page 4

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Schedule I (Form 990) (2013)
Line 2. Add the number of recipient
Enter the details of each type of assistance
its fair market value. For marketable securities
organizations listed on Schedule I (Form 990),
to individuals on a separate line of Part III. If
registered and listed on a recognized
Part II, line 1, that (a) have been recognized by
there are more types of assistance than space
securities exchange, measure market value by
the Internal Revenue Service as exempt from
available, report the types of assistance on
the average of the highest and lowest quoted
federal income tax as described in section
duplicate copies of Part III. Use as many
selling prices or the average between the
501(c)(3), (b) are churches, including
duplicate copies as needed, and number each
bona fide bid and asked prices, on the date
synagogues, temples, and mosques, (c) are
page. Use Part IV if additional space is
the property is distributed to the grantee.
integrated auxiliaries of churches and
needed for descriptions of particular column
When fair market value cannot be readily
conventions or association of churches, or (d)
determined, use an appraised or estimated
are domestic governments. Enter the total.
Column (a). Specify type(s) of assistance
Line 3. Add the number of recipient
Column (f). For noncash grants or assistance,
provided, or describe the purpose or use of
organizations listed on Schedule I (Form 990),
grant funds. Do not use general terms such as
enter descriptions of property. List all that
Part II, line 1, that are not described on line 2.
charitable, educational, religious, or scientific.
apply. Examples of noncash assistance
This number should include both
Use more specific descriptions, such as
include medical supplies or equipment,
organizations that are not tax-exempt and
scholarships for students attending a
pharmaceuticals, blankets, and books or
organizations that are tax-exempt under
particular school; provision of books or other
other educational supplies.
section 501(c) but not section 501(c)(3).
educational supplies; food, clothing, and
If the organization checks
shelter for indigents, or direct cash assistance
“Accrual” on Form 990, Part XII,
Part III. Grants and Other
to indigents; etc. In the case of specific
line 1, follows SFAS 116 (ASC
Assistance to Individuals in the
disaster assistance, include a description of
958) (see instructions for Form
United States
the type of assistance provided and identify
990, Part IX), and makes a grant during the
the disaster (for example, “Food, shelter, and
tax year to be paid in future years to a
Complete Part III if the organization answered
clothing for immediate relief for victims of
domestic individual, it should report the
“Yes” on Form 990, Part IV, line 22. A “Yes”
Colorado wildfires”).
grant's present value in Part III, column (c) or
response means that the organization
Column (b). Enter the number of recipients
(d), and report any accruals of present value
reported more than $5,000 on Form 990, Part
for each type of assistance. If the organization
increments in future years.
IX, line 2, column (A).
is unable to determine the actual number,
Enter information for grants and other
Part IV. Supplemental Information
provide an estimate of the number. Explain in
assistance made to or for the benefit of
Part IV how the organization arrived at the
Use Part IV to provide narrative information
individual recipients. Do not complete Part III
required in Part I, line 2 regarding monitoring
for grants or assistance provided to
Column (c). Enter the aggregate dollar
of funds, and in Part III, column (b) regarding
individuals through another organization or
amount of cash grants for each type of grant
how the organization estimated the number of
entity, unless the grant or assistance is
or assistance. Cash grants include grants and
recipients for each type of grant or
earmarked by the filing organization for the
allocations paid by cash, check, money order,
assistance. Also use Part IV to provide other
benefit of one or more specific domestic
electronic fund or wire transfer, and other
narrative explanations and descriptions, as
individuals. Instead, complete Part II, earlier.
charges against funds on deposit at a
needed. Identify the specific part and line(s)
For example, report a payment to a hospital
financial institution.
that the response supports. Part IV can be
designated to cover the medical expenses of
duplicated if more space is needed.
particular domestic individuals in Part III and
Columns (d) and (e). Enter the fair market
value of noncash property. Describe the
report a contribution to a hospital designated
to provide some service to the general public
method of valuation. Report property with a
or to unspecified domestic charity patients in
readily determinable market value (for
Part II.
example, market quotations for securities) at


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