Instructions for Idaho Form 41EST
taxpayers, estimated tax payments are due by the 15th day of the 4th,
6th, 9th, and 12th months of the tax year.
A corporation must make estimated tax payments to the Tax Commission
if it is required to make estimated tax payments to the Internal Revenue
The due dates for the federal and Idaho estimated tax payments are the
same. If the due date is on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the
Service and will have an Idaho income tax liability of $500 or more.
payment is due on the next regular business day.
Estimated tax payments aren’t required if the corporation wasn’t required
to file an Idaho return the previous tax year.
If you received personalized payment vouchers, use the appropriate
voucher for each filing period. If any of the preprinted information is
Interest is due on the difference between the amount of estimated tax
incorrect, draw a line through it and enter the correct information. Check
payment required to be made on each voucher and the amount of
the box on the voucher if there is a change in your mailing address.
estimated tax payment actually made. Interest is computed from the due
date of the estimated payment until the required amount is paid or until
If you don’t have a preprinted form, use the Form 41ES. You can find it
the due date of the return. The interest rate for 2013 is 3%. Interest rate
on our website at tax.idaho.gov.
for 2014 is 4%.
Use Form 41ESR to determine the amount of any underpayments of tax
and interest due when you file your return.
Each estimated tax payment must be 25% of the lesser of the tax
required to be reported on the corporation’s return for the prior year, or
90% of the income tax required to be paid on the current year’s return.
Excess estimated tax payments will be refunded after you file the
Don’t include fuels tax, sales/use tax, fuels tax refunds, tax from the
recapture of qualified investment exemption (QIE) or Hire One Act credit
completed return. You may apply all or part of the excess to next year’s
estimated tax by designating the amount on the Idaho Corporation
reported on the income tax returns.
Income Tax Return, Form 41, or the Idaho S Corporation Income Tax
For corporations, the tax required to be reported is defined as Idaho
Return, Form 41S.
taxable income multiplied by the appropriate tax rate, plus the permanent
building fund tax, plus tax from recapture of business income tax credits,
Overpayments will be applied to any prior year tax liabilities before
minus allowable income tax credits. A corporation making estimated tax
carryovers or refunds are allowed. You will be notified if your
payments in a year following the revocation of subchapter S status will
overpayment is applied to an existing liability, or is used to reduce your
use $20 as the tax amount required to be reported on the prior year’s
refund or carryover.
For S corporations, estimated tax payments are computed on the Idaho
tax due to net recognized built-in gains and excess net passive income.
If your estimated payments are based on annualized income for federal
Estimated tax payments aren’t required on the tax due on income being
purposes, you may use that same method for making Idaho estimated
reported for individual shareholders.
tax payments. The estimated tax due for the installment period is
calculated by multiplying the applicable percentage (22.5%, 45%, 67.5%,
and 90% for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th installments, respectively) by the
full year’s tax on the annualized income for the period and deducting any
The Form 41EST worksheet allows you to compare the income tax on
prior installments.
last year’s return with the anticipated income tax for the current year. Use
the smaller of the two amounts to determine the estimated tax payment
for each period. If your estimated tax payments are based on 90% of
If the short tax year ends before any remaining due dates, you must
the income tax required to be paid on the current year’s return and the
make a final estimated tax payment by the 15th day of the last month of
anticipated income tax for the current year is revised, use the revised
amount to recompute any remaining estimated tax payments.
the short tax year. No estimated tax payment is required if the short tax
year is less than four months or if the requirements to make an estimated
tax payment are not met before the first day of the last month in the short
tax year.
For calendar year taxpayers, estimated tax payments are due by the
15th day of April, June, September, and December. For fiscal year
Use the worksheet below to determine your corporate estimated tax payments.
Anticipated Idaho taxable income this year .............................................................................................................. 1.
Income tax on anticipated Idaho taxable income. Multiply line 1 by 7.4% ............................................................... 2.
Permanent building fund tax ($10 or, if a combined report, multiply $10 by the number of corporations
required to file for income tax purposes) .................................................................................................................. 3.
Tax from recapture of business income tax credits. See Form 44, Part II, for a complete list ................................. 4.
Total income tax. Add lines 2 through 4 ................................................................................................................... 5.
Anticipated income tax credits .................................................................................................................................. 6.
Estimated income taxes payable on this year’s return. Line 5 minus line 6 ............................................................ 7.
If the amount is less than $500, stop here. You are not required to make estimated tax payments.
Multiply line 7 by 90% ............................................................................................................................................... 8.
Idaho total tax less the total of any fuels tax, sales/use tax, tax from recapture of QIE and Hire One Act
credit from the 2012 tax return .................................................................................................................................. 9.
Estimated tax payments. Multiply the smaller of lines 8 or 9 by 25%. This is the amount of each
estimated tax payment. Enter this amount in the “Payment Due” box of your Form 41EST ................................... 10.