Kentucky Schedule K-1 (Form 765-Gp) - Partner'S Share Of Income, Credits, Deductions, Etc. - 2013 Page 4


Form 765-GP (2013)
Page 4
Kentucky Schedule K-1
Commonwealth of Kentucky
the amount on the other line is a loss amount, the income amount is
Line 5—Enter on applicable line of your tax return (see federal Partner’s
the greater amount; therefore, add the two amounts to determine the
Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)).
Line 6—Enter on federal Form 4797.
Nonresident Individual Partners (Form 740-NP Filers)—A nonresident
individual who is required to file Form 740-NP, Kentucky Individual
Line 7—Enter on applicable lines of your return (see federal Partner’s
Income Tax Return Nonresident or Part-Year Resident, or who elects
Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)).
to file Form 740-NP to take advantage of capital loss and net operating
loss carryovers shall enter the amounts from Schedule K-1, Column
Line 8—Enter on Schedule A, Form 740-NP.
(b) as follows:
If the percentage in Item C(2) is “100%,” the amounts on Lines 1 through
Line 9—Enter on federal Schedule E using Kentucky amounts.
6 and 9, portions of Lines 7 and 11 and the portion of Line 44(b) actually
deducted for the current year must be entered on the appropriate lines
Line 10—Enter on Schedule A, Form 740-NP.
of Form 740-NP and related schedules.
If the percentage in Item C(2) is less than 100 percent, the amounts on
Line 11—Enter on applicable form or schedule (see federal Partner’s
Lines 1 through 6 and 9, portions of Lines 7 and 11 and the portion of
Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)).
Line 44(b) actually deducted for the current year must be multiplied by
this percentage and entered on the appropriate lines of Form 740-NP
For All Partners
and related schedules. Amounts on Lines 12(a) and the portions of Lines
7 and 11 which pass through to Schedule A (Form 740-NP) should not
Lines 12 and 44 through 49—See federal Partner’s Instructions for Lines
be multiplied by the percentage in Item C(2) since these amounts will
13, 19 and 20, Schedule K-1 (Form 1065).
be multiplied by the percentage on Form 740-NP, Section D, Line 36
(Percentage of Kentucky Adjusted Gross Income to Federal Adjusted
Individual and Corporate Partners—Enter the net distributive share
Gross Income).
income from Kentucky Schedule K-1 (Form 765-GP), Line 58 on Line 2
of the Kentucky Limited Liability Entity Tax Credit Worksheet (located
Lines 1 through 3—Enter on federal Schedule E using Kentucky amounts
in Form 740, Form 740-NP or Form 741 instructions under Business
or Form 8582-K, if applicable.
Incentives and Other Tax Credits) for Forms 740, 740-NP or 741; or
Line 2 of the Corporation LLET Credit Worksheet (located in Form 720
Line 4(a)—Enter on Form 740-NP, Section D, Line 3.
instructions under Part II—Income Tax Computation) for Form 720.
Line 4(b)—Enter on Form 740-NP, Section D, Line 4.
Enter the amount from Line 59 on Line 7 of the Kentucky Limited Liability
Entity Tax Credit Worksheet or Line 7 of the Corporation LLET Credit
Line 4(c)—Enter on federal Schedule E using Kentucky amounts.
Lines 4(d) and (e)—Enter on federal Schedule D using Kentucky amounts
Estates and Trusts (Form 741 Filers)—Estates or trusts report the
or Form 8582-K, if applicable.
amounts shown in Column (b) on Form 741, Kentucky Fiduciary Income
Line 4(f)—Enter on applicable lines of your return (see federal Partner’s
Tax Return, and related schedules. See federal Partner’s Instructions
Instructions for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)).
for Schedule K-1 (Form 1065).


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