Malawi Visa Application Form Page 4


Conference Visa​ : Letter of invitation from the organizer of the conference and
approvals​ ​ o f​ ​ I ndian​ ​ a uthorities​ ​ t o​ ​ b e​ ​ s ubmitted​ ​ a long​ ​ w ith​ ​ t he​ ​ a pplication.
Medical​ ​ V isa​ ​ ( in​ ​ a ddition​ ​ t o​ ​ S l.No.1​ ​ t o​ ​ 0 4​ ​ a bove):
i). A letter, on the letter head of the hospital, duly signed by the doctor under whom the
patient was undergoing treatment, clearly stating the history of the disease and also
referring​ ​ h im/her​ ​ t o​ ​ u ndergo​ ​ t reatment​ ​ i n​ ​ I ndia.
ii).A letter (on the letter head) from the hospital in India, stating that it is willing to
accept​ ​ t he​ ​ p atient​ ​ a nd​ ​ a lso​ ​ t o​ ​ t reat​ ​ t he​ ​ p atient.


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