Lesson Plan Format
Components of a Lesson Plan
You will need to write a lesson plan for each lesson you teach and submit it to your cooperating
teacher prior to teaching the lesson. It is suggested you address all the issues listed below in
formulating your lesson plan. The exact format you use will be determined by your cooperating
teacher. However, for the University of Montevallo, you must have a lesson plan in your portfolio for
each lesson taught throughout the internship.
Goal: Needs to come from the State Course of Study for that particular area.
Objective(s): What do you want the students to accomplish? Objectives are measurable.
Objectives are not a list of your activities.
Materials: List everything needed for the lesson so you will be well prepared.
Vocabulary: List the words that you need to introduce, review, and expand on. Provide a
definition of each vocabulary word using modified language.
Lesson Procedure:
Introduction: How will you introduce the ideas and objectives of this lesson? How will
you get the students’ attention and motivate them to hold their attention?
Main Activity: What is the focus of this lesson? How will you present the material?
Conclusion: What will you use to draw the ideas together for students at the end?
Student Assessment: Tell how you will assess the students.
Teacher Evaluation: After you have taught the lesson, critique yourself. What could be
changed? Omitted? What needs to be added?