Kentucky Individual Income Tax Forms - 2011 Page 32


Types of Income Subject to Exclusion—All pension and
by the exempt percentage, enter the result (exempt amount) in
retirement income paid under a written retirement plan is
Column A or Column B. Use the worksheet below to compute
eligible for exclusion. This includes pensions, annuities, IRA
the exempt percentage in the year of retirement.
accounts, 401(k) and similar deferred compensation plans,
Note: Subtract the exempt amount from the taxable pension
death benefits, and other similar accounts or plans. As a
amount and include the difference with other retirement
general rule, if the income is reported on the federal income
income in Part II.
tax return, Form 1040, line 15(b) or 16(b); Form 1040A, line
PART II—Other Retirement Income, Line 2—Enter the
11(b) or 12(b); Form 4972; or is a disability retirement benefit
amount reported on federal Form 1040 or 1040A of non-
or deferred compensation distribution reported on Form 1040,
lump-sum pension and retirement income not reported
line 7 or 1040A, line 7, then it qualifies for the exclusion.
on line 1(c). Also include amounts from Schedule M, line 7
(Form 740-NP , page 4, line 16) that reflect pension and IRA
Form 740-NP filers report only pension income received while
bases differences.
a resident of Kentucky.
PART III—Total to Be Excluded This Year, Line 3—Enter the
lesser of the amount on line 2 or $41,110.
Line 4—Enter the total of lines 1(c) and 3. This is your pension
Column A, Column B—This exclusion is for each taxpayer. A
income exclusion. Enter on line 4 and as follows: Schedule
husband and wife must compute and claim their own exclu-
M, line 11; Form 740-NP , page 4, line 10(b); or Form 741,
sion, regardless of filing status.
page 1, line 11.
PART I—Exempt Retirement Income—Enter the federally
DEFINITIONS—For use with Schedule P and the worksheet
taxable portion of pension income paid by the federal govern-
ment, by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, or by any Kentucky
Service Credit—Number of months (years) used by your
local government. Also include supplemental (Tier 2) U.S.
retirement system to determine retirement benefits.
Railroad Retirement Board benefits reported on Form 1040,
line 16(b) (Form 1040A, line 12(b)) and federal or Kentucky
Purchased Service Credit—Voluntary purchases of service
disability retirement income included on federal Form 1040,
credit as allowed by your retirement system (i.e., military
line 7 (Form 1040A, line 7). Do not include income from
service or prior service with the same or similar system). Note:
deferred compensation plans in Part I.
Purchased time is credited based on the dates of service.
Use Line 1(a) if retired before January 1, 1998, to report fully
Purchased Service Credit (Air-time)—Certain retirement
exempt pension benefits.
plans allow for the purchase of up to five years of service
credit unrelated to prior work history. These purchases are
Use Line 1(b) if retired after December 31, 1997, to compute
commonly known as air-time. Air-time is not included in total
the amount of pension income attributable to service credits
service earned after December 31, 1997, regardless of when
earned before January 1, 1998. Multiply the taxable pension
Worksheet for Federal, Kentucky State and Kentucky Local Government Retirees
Who Retired After 12/31/97
Complete this worksheet only if you retired in 2011 or have not computed your exempt percentage in prior years.
Keep this worksheet in your records. The percentage will be used this year and in future years to determine the
amount of exempt retirement income.
Complete this worksheet to determine what percentage of your pension income is exempt. This percentage must be calculated
for each pension.
If your retirement system has computed the exempt amount (earned before January 1, 1998), enter the amount on page 1, line
1(b), column A or B. If your retirement system has computed the exempt percentage, enter the exempt percentage on page 1,
line 1(b) in the exempt percentage column. Use a separate worksheet for each governmental pension. Retain this worksheet with
your tax records. Use the percentage on line 4 to compute the exempt portion of your pension in future years.
1. Enter total months of service credit including purchased service .......................................................
2. Enter months of service credit earned after 12/31/97. Include sick leave credited at date of
retirement, and service credit from purchase of military and other service earned after
12/31/97. Do not include purchased credit unrelated to prior work history (air-time) ........................
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1. Total months of service before January 1, 1998.......................................
4. Divide line 3 by line 1. Enter here and on page 1, line 1(b), in the exempt percentage column .......
Use this percentage to determine the amount of pension attributable to service earned
before 1/1/98.


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