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Form 8821 (Rev. 10-2012)
For requests regarding Form 8802, Application for
(b) list the name and address of each recognized
United States Residency Certification, enter “Form 8802”
appointee whose authority is revoked,
in column (d) and check the specific use box on line 4.
(c) list the tax matters and tax periods, and
Also, enter the appointee’s information as instructed on
(d) sign and date the statement.
Form 8802.
If you are completely revoking the authority of the
Note. If the taxpayer is subject to penalties related to an
appointee, state “remove all years/periods” instead of
individual retirement account (IRA) (for example, a
listing the specific tax matters, years, or periods.
penalty for excess contributions) enter, “IRA civil penalty”
on line 3, column a.
To revoke a specific use tax information authorization,
send the tax information authorization or statement of
Note. If Form W-2 is listed on line 3, then the appointee
revocation to the IRS office handling your case, using the
may receive information regarding any civil penalties
above instructions.
charged that relate to that Form W-2.
Line 7. Signature of Taxpayer
A Form 8821 that lists a particular tax return will also
entitle the appointee to receive the taxpayer notices
Individual. You must sign and date the authorization. If
regarding any return-related civil penalties and a specific
a joint return has been filed, your spouse must execute
reference to penalties is not required. However, any civil
his or her own authorization on a separate Form 8821 to
penalty that is not return-related is not covered by the
designate an appointee.
Form 8821 unless it references “civil penalties” or a
Corporation. Generally, Form 8821 can be signed by:
specific penalty is stated.
(a) an officer having authority under applicable state law
Line 4. Specific Use Not Recorded on CAF
to bind the corporation,
Generally, the IRS records all tax information
(b) any person designated by the board of directors or
authorizations on the CAF system. However,
other governing body,
authorizations relating to a specific issue are not
(c) any officer or employee on written request by any
principal officer and attested to by the secretary or
Check the box on line 4 if Form 8821 is filed for any of
other officer, and
the following reasons:
(d) any other person authorized to access information
(a) requests to disclose information to loan companies or
under section 6103(e)(1)(D), except for a person
educational institutions,
described in section 6103(a)(1)(D)(ii) (bona fide
shareholders of record owning 1% or more of the
(b) requests to disclose information to federal or state
outstanding stock of the corporation).
agency investigators for background checks,
Partnership. Generally, Form 8821 can be signed by
(c) application for EIN, or
any person who was a member of the partnership during
(d) claims filed on Form 843, Claim for Refund and
any part of the tax period covered by Form 8821. See
Request for Abatement.
Partnership Items, earlier. If the Form 8821 covers more
If you check the box on line 4, your appointee should
than one tax year or tax period, the person must have
mail or fax Form 8821 to the IRS office handling the
been a member of the partnership for all or part of each
matter. Otherwise, your appointee should bring a copy of
tax year or period covered by Form 8821.
Form 8821 to each appointment to inspect or receive
Employee plan. If the plan is listed as the taxpayer on
information. A specific-use tax information authorization
line 1, a duly authorized individual having authority to bind
will not revoke any prior tax information authorizations.
the taxpayer must sign and that individual's exact title
Line 6. Retention/Revocation of Tax
must be entered.
Information Authorizations
If the trust is the taxpayer, listed on line 1, a trustee
having the authority to bind the trust must sign with the
Check the box on this line and attach a copy of any tax
title of trustee entered. If the trust has not previously
information authorization you do not want to revoke. The
submitted a completed Form 56, Notice Concerning
filing of Form 8821 will not revoke any Form 2848 that is
Fiduciary Relationship, identifying the current trustee, the
in effect.
trust must submit a Form 56 to identify the current
If you want to revoke an existing tax information
authorization and do not want to name a new appointee,
Estate. If there is more than one executor, only one
send a copy of the previously executed tax information
executor having the authority to bind the estate is
authorization to the IRS, using the Where To File Chart,
required to sign. See regulations section 601.503(d).
earlier. The copy of the tax information authorization must
All others. See section 6103(e) if the taxpayer has died,
have a current signature of the taxpayer and date under
is insolvent, is a dissolved corporation, or if a trustee,
the original signature on line 7. Write “REVOKE” across
guardian, executor, receiver, or administrator is acting for
the top of Form 8821.
the taxpayer.
If you do not have a copy of the tax information
authorization you want to revoke, send a statement to the
IRS. In the statement:
(a) indicate that the authority of the appointee is


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