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Form 8821 (Rev. 10-2012)
Your appointee may be able to file Form 8821
If you want to name more than one appointee, indicate
electronically with the IRS from the IRS website. For more
so on this line and attach a list of appointees to Form
information, go to Under the for Tax Pros tab, go
8821. If more than two appointees are listed and you
to Other Tools & Information and click on Use e-Services
request copies of notices and communications be sent to
for Tax Pros. If you complete Form 8821 for electronic
your new appointees (see line 5), copies of notices and
signature authorization, do not file a Form 8821 with the
communications will be sent only to the first two
IRS. Instead, give it to your appointee, who will retain the
Note. Because the IRS will send copies of notices and
communications to no more than two persons, if you
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
previously filed a Form 2848, Power of Attorney and
A TIN is used to confirm the identity of a taxpayer and
Declaration of Representative, for the same tax matters
identify the taxpayer's return and return information. It is
and periods and you requested copies of notices and
important that you furnish your correct name, social
communications be sent to your representative(s) at that
security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification
time, requesting your new appointee(s) receive copies of
number (ITIN), and/or employer identification number
notices and communications may stop notices and
communications from being sent to your authorized
Partnership Items
Check the appropriate box to indicate if either the
A Tax Matter Partner is authorized to perform certain acts
address, telephone number, or fax number is new.
on behalf of an affected partnership. Rules governing the
Line 3. Matters
use of Form 8821 do not replace any provisions of law
concerning the tax treatment of partnership items.
Enter the type of tax, the tax form number, the years or
Appointee Address Change
periods, and the specific matter. Enter “Not applicable,”
in any of the columns that do not apply.
If your appointee's address changes, a new Form 8821 is
For example, you may list “Income, 1040” for calendar
not required. The appointee can provide the IRS with the
year “2010” and “Excise, 720” for “2010” (this covers all
new information by sending written notification of the new
quarters in 2010). Multiple years or a series of inclusive
address to the location where the Form 8821 was filed.
periods, including quarterly periods, you may list 2008
Your appointee must sign and date the written notice.
through (thru or a hyphen) 2010. For example, “2008 thru
Specific Instructions
2010” or “2nd 2009-3rd 2010.” For fiscal years, enter the
ending year and month, using the YYYYMM format. Do
Line 1. Taxpayer Information
not use a general reference such as “All years,” “All
periods,” or “All taxes.” Any tax information authorization
Individual. Enter your name, TIN, and your street
with a general reference will be returned.
address in the space provided. Do not enter your
You may list the current year or period and any tax
appointee’s address or post office box. If a return is a
years or periods that have already ended as of the date
joint return, the appointee(s) identified will only be
you sign the tax information authorization. However, you
authorized for you. Your spouse, or former spouse, must
may include on a tax information authorization only future
submit a separate Form 8821 to designate an appointee.
tax periods that end no later than 3 years after the date
Corporation, partnership, or association. Enter the
the tax information authorization is received by the IRS.
name, EIN, and business address.
The 3 future periods are determined starting after
Employee plan or exempt organization. Enter the
December 31 of the year the tax information authorization
name, address, and EIN or SSN of the plan sponsor/plan
is received by the IRS. You must enter the type of tax, the
name, exempt organization or bond issuer. Enter the
tax form number, and the future year(s) or period(s). Only
three-digit plan number when applicable. If you are the
tax forms directly related to the taxpayer may be listed on
plan's trustee and you are authorizing the IRS to disclose
line 3. If the matter relates to estate tax, enter the date of
the tax information of the plan's trust, see the instructions
the decedent's death instead of the year or period.
relating to trust.
If you appoint someone only with respect to a penalty
Trust. Enter the name, title, and address of the trustee,
and interest due on that penalty, enter “civil penalty” in
and the name and EIN of the trust.
the description of matters column. If applicable, enter the
tax year(s) for the penalty. Enter “NA” (not applicable) in
Estate. Enter the name and address of the estate. If the
the tax form number column. You do not have to enter
estate does not have an identification number, enter the
the specific penalty.
decedent’s SSN or ITIN.
Column (d). Enter any specific information you want the
Line 2. Appointee
IRS to provide. Examples of column (d) information are:
Enter your appointee’s full name. Use the identical full
lien information, a balance due amount, a specific tax
name on all submissions and correspondence. Enter the
schedule, or a tax liability. Enter “not applicable” in
nine-digit CAF number for each appointee. If an
column (d) if you are not limiting your appointee's
appointee has a CAF number for any previously filed
authority to inspect and/or receive confidential tax
Form 8821 or power of attorney (Form 2848), use that
information described in columns (a), (b), and (c).
number. If a CAF number has not been assigned, enter
“NONE,” and the IRS will issue one directly to your
appointee. The IRS does not assign CAF numbers to
requests for employee plans and exempt organizations.


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