Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect
OMB No. 1545-1910
To Foreign Disregarded Entities
Information about Form 8858 and its separate instructions is at
(Rev. December 2012)
Information furnished for the foreign disregarded entity’s annual accounting period (see
Department of the Treasury
Sequence No
, 20
, and ending
, 20
instructions) beginning
Internal Revenue Service
Name of person filing this return
Filer’s identifying number
Number, street, and room or suite no. (or P.O. box number if mail is not delivered to street address)
City or town, state, and ZIP code
Filer’s tax year beginning
, 20
, and ending
, 20
Important: Fill in all applicable lines and schedules. All information must be in English. All amounts must be stated in
U.S. dollars unless otherwise indicated.
1a Name and address of foreign disregarded entity
b(1) U.S. identifying number, if any
b(2) Reference ID number (see instructions)
c Country(ies) under whose laws organized and entity type under local tax law
d Date(s) of organization
e Effective date as foreign
disregarded entity
f If benefits under a U.S. tax treaty were claimed with respect to
g Country in which principal business
h Principal business
i Functional currency
income of the foreign disregarded entity, enter the treaty and
activity is conducted
article number
Provide the following information for the foreign disregarded entity’s accounting period stated above.
a Name, address, and identifying number of branch office or agent (if any) in
b Name and address (including corporate department, if applicable) of person(s)
with custody of the books and records of the foreign disregarded entity, and
the United States
the location of such books and records, if different
For the tax owner of the foreign disregarded entity (if different from the filer) provide the following:
a Name and address
b Annual accounting period covered by the return (see instructions)
c(1) U.S. identifying number, if any
c(2) Reference ID number (see instructions)
d Country under whose laws organized
e Functional currency
For the direct owner of the foreign disregarded entity (if different from the tax owner) provide the following:
a Name and address
b Country under whose laws organized
c U.S. identifying number, if any
d Functional currency
Attach an organizational chart that identifies the name, placement, percentage of ownership, tax classification, and country of organization of all entities in the chain of
ownership between the tax owner and the foreign disregarded entity, and the chain of ownership between the foreign disregarded entity and each entity in which the
foreign disregarded entity has a 10% or more direct or indirect interest. See instructions.
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions.
(Rev. 12-2012)
Cat. No. 21457L