Sample Fee Agreement Form Page 2


LOMAS Administrative Form
Form No. 096128, page 2 of 2
( )
Estimate for costs and expenses (not including attorney's fees):
( )
Expected to range between $_____ and $_____ .
( )
Not expected to exceed $________.
( )
No expenses expected.
NOTE: This is an estimate for your convenience; it is not a guarantee.
If the above properly sets forth our agreement, please sign below and keep one copy. Return the
original together with your check in the amount of $ ________________.
We will draw $ ________________ towards attorney fees and apply $ ________ towards out-of-
pocket expenses as outlined above. If we do not receive the signed original of this agreement
(you retain the copy), and your check within ___ days, we shall assume that you have obtained
other counsel and shall mark our file "CLOSED" and do nothing further. Thank you.
By: ______________________________________
Attorney at Law
The above is understood and agreed to by me.
Dated: ________________
By: ______________________________________


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