Instructions For Arizona Form 120x - Arizona Amended Corporation Income Tax Return - 2011 Page 6


Arizona Form 120X
Enhanced Sales Factor
Schedule C – Apportionment Formula
(Non-Air Carrier Multistate Taxpayers Only)
Line C3(e) -
Schedule C must be completed only if the 2011 Form 120X is
NOTE: Multiply the amount entered on line C3(c), column A,
filed to amend the apportionment ratio (if the taxpayer was
the total Arizona sales, by eight on line C3(d), column A.
required to use Schedule C). If the apportionment ratio is not
Enter the result on line C3(e), column A. Do not multiply the
being amended, enter the apportionment ratio from the 2011 Form
amount entered on line C3(c), column B, the everywhere
120 or as adjusted by any prior audit or amended return,
sales of the taxpayer, by eight.
whichever is latest, on the Form 120X, page 1, line 9, in column
(a) and column (c).
EXAMPLE: The taxpayer has total Arizona sales of $100,000
ARS § 43-1139 (Allocation of business income) provides that the
and total everywhere sales of $1,000,000. On line C3(e), column A,
apportionment ratio is a fraction. For taxable years beginning from
enter $800,000 of Arizona sales. On line C3(e), column B, enter
and after December 31, 2006, non-air carrier taxpayers may
$1,000,000 of everywhere sales for the taxpayer.
choose between the standard sales factor formula and the
The sales factor ratio in column C of line C3(e) may, in
enhanced sales factor formula. For the standard sales factor
certain circumstances, exceed 100 percent. However, since
formula, the numerator of the fraction is the property factor, plus
the total ratio (line C4) is divided by ten, the average ratio
the payroll factor, plus two times the sales factor. The
denominator of the fraction is four. For tax years beginning from
(line C5) will not exceed 100 percent.
and after December 31, 2008, the numerator of the fraction of the
Line C5 - Average Apportionment Ratio
enhanced sales factor formula is the property factor, plus the
payroll factor, plus eight times the sales factor. The denominator
Divide the total ratio, line C4, column C, by ten. Enter the
of the fraction is ten.
average ratio amount here and on page 1, line 9, column (c).
Express the ratio as a decimal carried out to six places.
Determine sales within Arizona on a destination sales basis.
NOTE: When computing the factors of the apportionment ratio,
NOTE: The taxpayer must exclude a factor if both the
round amounts to the nearest whole dollar. If 50 cents or more,
numerator and the denominator of a factor are zero. Do not
round up to the next dollar. If less than 50 cents, round down.
exclude a factor from the total ratio (line C4, column C) if
For more detailed instructions with respect to the Standard
the numerator of a factor is zero and the denominator of a
Sales Factor or the Enhanced Sales Factor, see the
factor is greater than zero. If the property or payroll factor is
instructions for 2011 Form 120.
excluded, determine the average ratio (line C5, column C) by
dividing the total ratio by nine. If the sales factor is excluded,
Standard Sales Factor
determine the average ratio by dividing the total ratio by two.
Line C3(e) -
If two of the factors are excluded, the remaining factor,
NOTE: Multiply the amount entered on line C3(c), column
without respect to any weighting, is the apportionment ratio.
A, the total Arizona sales, by two (double weighted sales
Schedule D – Schedule of Payments
factor) on line C3(d), column A. Enter the result on line
C3(e), column A. Do not double the amount entered on line
List the payment sent with the original return and all payments
C3(c), column B, the everywhere sales of the taxpayer.
made by the taxpayer after the original return was filed.
EXAMPLE: The taxpayer has total Arizona sales of $100,000 and
If additional space is required to list all of the payments,
total everywhere sales of $1,000,000. On line C3(e), column A,
prepare a schedule (in the same format) labeled “Schedule D
enter $200,000 of Arizona sales. On line C3(e), column B, enter
$1,000,000 of everywhere sales for the taxpayer.
– Schedule of Payments” and attach the schedule to Form
The sales factor ratio in column C of line C3(e) may, in
certain circumstances, exceed 100 percent. However, since
DO NOT include the claim of right credit computed under
the total ratio (line C4) is divided by four, the average ratio
ARS § 43-1130.01 in this schedule.
(line C5) will not exceed 100 percent.
DO NOT include amounts paid for penalties and interest or
Line C5 - Average Apportionment Ratio
payments reported on page 1, line 26.
Divide the total ratio, line C4, column C, by four. Enter the
Enter the total on Schedule D, line 4, and on page 1, line 27.
average ratio amount here and on page 1, line 9, column (c).
Express the ratio as a decimal carried out to six places.
Schedule E – Explanation of Changes
NOTE: The taxpayer must exclude a factor if both the numerator
and the denominator of a factor are zero. Do not exclude a factor
Explain the changes made in this return. If additional space is
from the total ratio (line C4, column C) if the numerator of a
needed, prepare a schedule (in the same format) labeled
factor is zero and the denominator of a factor is greater than
“Schedule E – Explanation of Changes” and attach the schedule
zero. If the property or payroll factor is excluded, determine the
to the Form 120X. Include any necessary supporting
average ratio (line C5, column C) by dividing the total ratio by
documentation with the return.
three. If the sales factor is excluded, determine the average ratio
by dividing the total ratio by two. If two of the factors are
excluded, the remaining factor, without respect to any
weighting, is the apportionment ratio.


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