Instructions For Arizona Form 120x - Arizona Amended Corporation Income Tax Return - 2011 Page 4


Arizona Form 120X
A taxpayer may not claim a tax credit on the 2011 tax return
Solar Liquid Fuel Credit. This tax credit is for
for a donation to the fund made with the 2011 tax return
taxpayers that increase research activities related to
(Form 120 or Form 120A). If a taxpayer makes a donation to
solar liquid fuel. Additional credits will become
the fund on the 2011 tax return, the taxpayer may only claim
available in 2016 for production and delivery system
a tax credit for the donation on the taxpayer’s 2012 tax
costs. Use Form 344 to claim this credit.
return. The tax credit is nonrefundable and the unused
Credit for New Employment. This tax credit is for
portion of the tax credit may not be carried forward.
taxpayers that have net increases in employment after
Calculation of 2011 Clean Elections Fund Tax Credit
June 30, 2011. The credit limit is administered by the
Enter the amount donated directly to the
Arizona Commerce Authority. Use Form 345 to claim
fund during the taxable year 2011 PLUS
this credit.
the amount donated to the fund with the
2010 Form 120 or 2010 Form 120A.
Complete the appropriate credit form for each credit. Attach
Enter tax from 2011 Form 120X, line 22(c).
the completed credit form(s) to Form 120X with Form 300,
Multiply amount on line 2 by 20 percent (.20).
whether or not the amount claimed on line 20 has changed.
Line 21 - Credit Type
Enter the larger of line 3 or line 4.
Indicate which tax credits were claimed on line 20 by writing
Enter the smaller of line 1, line 2, or line 5
the applicable form number(s) in the space provided.
here and on 2011 Form 120X, line 23(c).
Complete this line whether or not the amount of tax credits
claimed on line 20 has changed.
Line 25 - Refundable Tax Credits
Nonrefundable Income Tax Credit
Check the box marked 308 or 342 to indicate which of these
Defense Contracting Credits
tax credits the taxpayer is claiming. Enter the amount of the
Enterprise Zone Credit
credit claimed on line 25.
Environmental Technology Facility Credit
Military Reuse Zone Credit
Credit for Increased Research Activities. A portion of this
Credit for Increased Research Activities
tax credit is refundable for qualified taxpayers. The refund is
Pollution Control Credit
limited to 75% of the excess credit, which is the current
Credit for Taxes Paid for Coal Consumed in Generating
year's credit less the current year's tax liability, not to exceed
Electrical Power
Credit for Solar Hot Water Heater Plumbing Stub Outs
the amount approved by the Arizona Commerce Authority
and Electric Vehicle Recharge Outlets
(formerly, the Arizona Department of Commerce). The
Credit for Employment of TANF Recipients
refundable credit applies to taxable years beginning from and
Agricultural Pollution Control Equipment Credit
after December 31, 2009. Attach your "Certificate of
Credit for Donation of School Site
Qualification" from the Arizona Commerce Authority and
Credit for Healthy Forest Enterprises
Credit for Employing National Guard Members
Form 308 to your return. Enter the amount from Form 308,
Motion Picture Credits
Part V, line 39.
Credit for Corporate Contributions to School Tuition
Credit for Renewable Energy Industry. This tax credit is
Credit for Solar Energy Devices - Commercial and Industrial
for expanding or locating qualified renewable energy
operations in Arizona and is refundable in five equal
Credit for Water Conservation System Plumbing Stub Outs
installments. Preapproval and postapproval are required
Credit for Corporate Contributions to School Tuition
Organizations for Displaced Students or Students With
through the Arizona Commerce Authority (formerly, the
Arizona Department of Commerce). Attach your "Certificate
Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit
of Qualification" from the Arizona Commerce Authority and
Solar Liquid Fuel Credit
Form 342 to your tax return to claim this credit. Enter the
Credit for New Employment
amount from Form 342, Part IV, line 12.
Line 23 - Clean Elections Fund Tax Credit
If you are claiming both tax credits, check both boxes and
A taxpayer may claim a tax credit on the 2011 tax return for:
add the amounts from the credit forms together and enter the
total on line 25.
A donation made directly to the Clean Elections Fund
during the taxable year 2011; and/or
Line 26 - Payments (Extension, Estimated)
A donation made to the Clean Elections Fund on the
Enter the total amount from the original return (2011 Form
taxpayer’s 2010 tax return.
120, lines 26 and 27; or 2011 Form 120A, lines 18 and 19).
The 2011 tax credit is equal to the amount of the donation(s),
Line 27 - Payment With Original Return (Plus All
but cannot exceed twenty percent of the tax liability on line
Additional Payments After It Was Filed)
22(c) or six hundred seventy dollars, whichever is higher.
Enter the amount from page 2, Schedule D, line 4.


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