Instructions For Arizona Form 120x - Arizona Amended Corporation Income Tax Return - 2011 Page 2


Arizona Form 120X
state changes. State change examples include adjustments to
Column (c): Add the increase in column (b) to the amount
the apportionment ratio and adjustments to either additions to
in column (a) or subtract the decrease in column (b) from
or subtractions from federal taxable income.
column (a). Enter the result here. If the line has not been
changed, enter the amount from column (a) in column (c).
Information question C: If this amended return is filed to
incorporate a capital loss carryback, check the box and write
Line 9 - Apportionment Ratio
in the month, day and year the capital loss originated.
(Multistate Taxpayers Only)
Information question D: If this amended return is filed to
If the apportionment ratio is being amended, enter the amended
change the Arizona method of filing, check the appropriate
apportionment ratio in column (c) from page 2, Schedule C,
box. Complete the Form 120X, Schedule E, to explain the
line C5, or from Schedule ACA, line 3. If the apportionment
changes. Attach a completed Form 51 to Form 120X.
ratio is not being amended, enter the apportionment ratio from
the 2011 Form 120, page 1, line 9, or as adjusted by any prior
Information question E: If this amended return includes
audit or amended return, whichever is latest. The taxpayer must
changes to the Arizona apportionment ratio, check the
carry out the ratio on line 9 to six places.
appropriate box. Complete Form 120X, Schedule C, (or
attach a revised Schedule ACA, if applicable) and explain the
Refer to the Schedule ACA or Schedule C instructions for
changes on Schedule E.
more information. Do not enter an amount on page 1, line 9,
before reading the Schedule ACA or Schedule C instructions.
Enter the corporation's employer identification number
(EIN), which is the taxpayer identification number (TIN). If
Line 16 - Arizona Tax
this is a consolidated return, enter the TIN of the common
Multiply Arizona taxable income [line 15(c)] by 6.968 percent.
parent corporation. If this is a combined return, enter the TIN
If the computed amount of tax is less than $50, enter the
of the corporation under which the group is filing.
minimum tax of $50. Every corporation required to file a
Enter the corporation's Arizona transaction privilege tax
return shall pay a $50 minimum tax in accordance with
A.R.S. § 43-1111.
 If this is a consolidated return, enter the common parent
Combined or consolidated returns - a unitary group or an
corporation's Arizona transaction privilege tax number. If
Arizona affiliated group is considered a single taxpayer. The
the common parent does not have an Arizona transaction
minimum tax is imposed on the single taxpayer rather than on
privilege tax number, leave the box blank.
each corporation within the group.
 If this is a combined return, enter the Arizona transaction
Line 17 - Tax From Recapture of Tax Credits
privilege tax number of the corporation under which the
Enter the amount of tax due from recapture tax credits from
group is filing. If this corporation does not have an Arizona
Form 300, Part II, line 26.
transaction privilege tax number, leave the box blank.
Line 18 - Subtotal
All returns, statements, and other documents filed with the
Add lines 16 and 17. This is the amount of tax to which the
department require a TIN. Taxpayers that fail to include their
Clean Elections Fund tax reduction and the total amount of
TIN may be subject to a penalty. Paid tax return preparers must
tax credits claimed by the taxpayer may be applied.
include their TIN where requested. The TIN for a paid tax
return preparer is the individual's social security number or
Line 19 - Clean Elections Fund Tax Reduction
preparer tax identification number or the EIN of the business.
Enter the amount of Clean Elections Fund tax reduction claimed
Paid tax return preparers that fail to include their TIN may be
on your original return in column (a) and in column (c).
subject to a penalty.
Line 20 - Nonrefundable Tax Credits
Lines 1 through 8, lines 10 through 18, line 20, and
Enter the allowable nonrefundable tax credit amount from
lines 22 through 24 -
Form 300, Part II, line 51. This amount cannot be larger than
the amount on Form 120X, line 18, less the amount on Form
NOTE: Columns (a) and (c) must be completed for each line
120X, line 19.
whether or not a change has been made to a particular line.
Enter an amount in column (b) only if a change has been
Defense Contracting Credits. Taxpayers may claim
made for a particular line.
carryovers of unused tax credits from taxable years
2006 and prior. Any carryover not used in tax year
Column (a): Enter the amounts as shown on the original
2011 will expire. Complete Form 302 to claim the
return or as adjusted by any prior audit, amended return, or
carryover of these tax credits.
Department of Revenue correction notice, whichever is latest.
Enterprise Zone Credit. Taxpayers located in an
Column (b): Enter the amount(s) of any change(s). Attach
enterprise zone before June 30, 2011, may qualify to
any schedules, forms, and/or statements which are
claim a tax credit for net increases in qualified
necessary to fully explain and substantiate the change(s).
employment positions. Complete Form 304 to claim
The amounts entered in column (b) should be the net
this credit.
increase or net decrease for each line that has been
changed. Bracket all decreases entered in column (b).


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