Safety Committees And Meetings - Washington State Department Of Labor & Industries Page 2


Safety Meeting Notes or Minutes
Safety meetings, committees and crew meetings
Worker participation on safety committees or in safety meetings can strengthen your safety
culture and help you prevent costly workplace injuries.
This optional form can be customized and used for meeting with safety committees or crews.
In Washington State, a safety committee is required when you have 11 or more employees
Company Name
Work Area or Job Site
on one or more work shifts (exception: construction and agriculture must hold safety crew
meetings instead of having a safety committee). The committee determines how often they
need to meet per WAC 296-800-13020(1) ( ).
If you don’t have a safety committee, you are required to hold safety meetings at least
monthly or more often if required by applicable rules. For example, crew safety meetings for
construction work must be held at the beginning of every job and at least weekly after that.
Tips for effective meetings
1. Safety topics discussed:
Get prepared. Pick safety topics that are
Cover any required applicable items listed
relevant to the current job. Ideas can come
in rules, such as:
from observations made during a recent safety
Construction, WAC 296-155-110(6)
walk-around of the work area or job site.
Agriculture, WAC 296-307-033
Be creative. You can include resources
2. Follow-up on recent accidents, injuries, near misses (if applicable):
like safety handouts and short videos
that offer compelling, real-life stories and
General industry, WAC 296-800-13025(2)
important injury prevention tips. Search the
A-Z list of safety and health topic pages at
Note attendees and topics. Documentation
for materials.
is required and useful for your company’s
Make it active. Consider whether hands-on
safety program. An optional Safety Meeting
3. Recent safety issues identified or reported (if applicable):
activities like demonstrations on how to
Notes form is provided as a ready-to-
safely select, inspect and use equipment
use tool that can be customized to your
can work for some meetings.
company’s needs.
Download the letter-sized form at


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