Form Rp-462 - Application For Exemption From Real Property Taxes For Property Used As Residence Of Officiating Clergy Page 2

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RP-462 (9/08)
State of New York
County of
________________________________________, being duly sworn, says that __he is the _________________of
the organization, t hat the statements con tained in this app lication (including t he at tached sheets co nsisting of
___ pages) are true, correct and complete, and that __he makes this application for real property tax exemption as
provided by law.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this ______day of ______________________20____
Signature of owner or authorized representative
Commissioner of deeds or notary public
1. Tax exemption for real property used as residence of officiating clergy (“parsonage” or “manse”)
Section 462 of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes an exemption from real property taxation for property
owned by a religious corporation while actually used by the officiating clergy thereof for residential purposes.
2. Application
An a pplication f or e xemption pur suant t o s ection 46 2 must be f iled a nnually f or e ach s eparately a ssessed
parcel for which an exemption is claimed. A pplicants must also submit Form RP-420-a-Org. W here exemption
is c laimed i n a ny one a ssessing uni t f or m ore than one pa rcel, the s ubmission of on e F orm R P-420-a-Org i s
sufficient. E ach year following t he year i n which exemption is first granted on the ba sis of this a pplication, a
renewal form RP-420-a/b-Rnw-I may be filed with this form in lieu of RP-420-a-Org.
If you need more space for any item in the application, attach additional sheets and indicate the question(s) to
which you are responding. Please give your name and the name of your church on all attachments. The assessor
may request information in addition to the information contained in the application.
3. Place of filing application
Application f or exemption f rom c ity, town or village taxes must be filed with the city, town or village
assessor. A pplication f or exemption from c ounty or s chool district taxes m ust be filed w ith the city or town
assessor who prepares the assessment roll used in levying county or school taxes. In Nassau County, applications
should be filed with the Nassau County Board of Assessors. I n Tompkins County, applications should be filed
with t he T ompkins C ounty D ivision of A ssessment.
Do not file th is form with th e Office of Real
Property Tax Services.
4. Time of filing application
The app lication must b e f iled in the a ssessor’s o ffice on or b efore the a ppropriate taxable st atus da te. I n
towns preparing their assessment roll in accordance with the schedule provided in the Real Property Tax Law, the
taxable status da te is M arch 1. I n t owns in Nassau County, the t axable status da te i s January 2. Westchester
County towns have either a May 1 or June 1 taxable status date; contact the assessor. In villages and cities, the
taxable status dates vary, and the appropriate assessor should be consulted for the correct date. In New York City,
taxable status date is January 5, but applications for this exemption may be filed on or before March 15.
Applicant religious corporation: ______________________________________________________________________
Date application filed ______________________
Assessed valuation $_________________Taxable
Documentary evidence presented _____________________________________________________________________
Assessing unit
Assessor’s signature


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