State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 10/11/2012
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yard, grain or crop residues, including straw and stover,
(g) segregated municipal solid waste, excluding tires and
aquatic plants and agricultural processed co-products
medical and hazardous waste.
and waste products including fats, oils, greases, whey
and lactose;
Qualified energy generator means a facility with at least
(c) animal waste, including manure and slaughterhouse and
one megawatt generating capacity located in New Mexico
other processing waste;
that produces electricity using a qualified energy resource
(d) solid woody waste materials, including landscape or right-
and that sells that electricity to an unrelated person.
of-way tree trimmings, rangeland maintenance residues,
waste pallets, crates and manufacturing, construction
Qualified energy resource means a resource that generates
and demolition wood wastes, excluding pressure treated,
electrical energy by means of a fluidized bed technology or
chemically treated or painted wood wastes and wood
similar low emissions technology, or a zero emissions gen-
contaminated with plastic;
eration technology that has substantial long-term production
(e) crops and trees planted for the purpose of being used to
potential and that uses only solar light, solar heat, wind, or
produce energy;
(f) landfill gas, wastewater treatment gas and biosolids,
including organic waste byproducts generated during
the wastewater treatment process; and
New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department
Energy Conservation and Management Division
P.O. Box 6429
Santa Fe, NM 87504-6429
or call (505) 476-3319
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
Administrative Resolutions and Services Bureau
P.O. Box 630
Santa Fe, NM 87504-0630
or call (505) 476-3683