State of New Mexico - Taxation and Revenue Department
Rev. 10/11/2012
Claimant CRS identification number
Federal employer identification number (FEIN)
Name of the claimant
Name of qualified energy generator if different from claimant
City / state / ZIP code
Name of contact person
Phone number and e-mail address
I. Calculate credit claimed for the current tax year.
1. Enter the tax year in which the electricity was produced for this claim; or
f the taxpayer files a fiscal-year or a short-year return, enter the beginning
and ending dates of the tax year.
From __________ to __________
2. Enter the date the qualified energy generator began producing electricity.
3. Enter the lesser of either the kilowatt hours of electricity produced by the qualified
energy generator using a qualified energy resource in the current tax year, or the
qualified annual production potential of the generating facility as certified by the
Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department.
4. Enter the applicable percentage to be applied to the amount of kilowatt hours of
electricity produced during the current tax year. See "THE AMOUNT OF THE CREDIT"
in the instructions.
5. Multiply line 3 by line 4. This is the amount of credit that may be claimed by the qualified
$ _________________
energy generator in the current tax year.
6. Enter the percentage of the renewable energy production tax credit that may be claimed
by the claimant.
7. Multiply line 5 by line 6. This is the amount of renewable energy production tax credit
$ _________________
that may be claimed by the claimant for the current tax year.
II. Calculate unused credits for carry forward from prior tax year claims.
Use Schedule A to calculate the credits carried forward from claims approved for prior years. NOTE: Any portion of the tax
credit unused at the end of the claimant's tax year may be carried forward for five consecutive tax years
8. Total unused credits for carry forward from prior claims. (Enter the sum of
column (d), Schedule A.)
$ _________________
III. Credit taken in current tax year.
9. Total credit available in the current tax year (add lines 7 and 8).
$ _________________
10.Credit taken in the current tax year. Enter the portion of total credit available in the
current tax year, line 9, that you wish to claim against the current income tax return.
$ _________________
11.Credit to be refunded to the claimant. Excess credit is refunded if the qualified energy
generator first produced electricity using a qualified energy resource on or after
October 1, 2007.
$ _________________
Enter the credit taken (the amount on line 10 of this form) on the corporate, personal or fiduciary income tax return.
NOTE: Failure to attach this form and required attachments to your return will result in denial of the credit.
I declare I have examined this application, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and
belief this application is true, correct and complete.
Authorized Signature