Certificate Of Authority (Coa) Application To Collect Transient Occupancy Tax - San Francisco Office Of The Treasurer & Tax Collector Page 3


Part C: Declaration of Responsibility
For each hotel location you operate, complete
the appropriate Declaration of Responsibility for your type of ownership.
Business Certificate #: _____________________ Hotel Location ______________________________________________
Sole Proprietorship -Declaration of Responsibility
By signing this application form, I represent and acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the operation of this hotel location. I
am responsible for the collection of the transient occupancy tax from the guests and payment of those tax revenues to the Tax
Collector. I am liable for all applicable penalties including, but not limited to, the failure to collect and transmit the tax, for
underreporting the tax, for failure to transmit the taxes to the Tax Collector, for any misrepresentations contained in this application, or
for any other violations of applicable law regarding the operation of the hotel location. Those penalties may include, but are not
limited to, suspension and/or revocation of the certificate. If any information included on this application should change, I agree to
inform the Tax Collector of those changes within five working days.
I declare under penalties of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this __________ day of _______________________________, 20____, in _____________________________________
Print Your Name
Partnership - Declaration of Responsibility
By signing this application form, I __________________________, general partner of _____________________________ (the
“Partnership”), with full power and authority to bind the Partnership, hereby represent and acknowledge that the Partnership is
responsible for the operation of this hotel location. The Partnership is responsible for the collection of the transient occupancy tax
from the guests and payment of those tax revenues to the Tax Collector. The Partnership is liable for all applicable penalties
including, but not limited to, the failure to collect and transmit the tax, for underreporting the tax, for failure to transmit the taxes to the
Tax Collector, for any misrepresentations contained in this application, or for any other violations of applicable law regard ing the
operation of the hotel location. Those penalties may include, but are not limited to, suspension and/or revocation of the certificate. If
any information included on this application should change, the Partnership agrees to inform the Tax Collector of those changes within
five working days.
I declare under penalties of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this __________ day of ____________________________, 20____, in _______________________________________
______________________________________________________________ , a ______________________________ partnership
Name of Partnership
State of organization
By ___________________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of Individual
Print Your Name
Corporation - Declaration of Responsibility
By signing this application form, I __________________________, an officer of _____________________________ Corp oration (the
“Corporation”), with full power and authority to bind the Corporation, hereby represent and acknowledge that the Corporation is
responsible for the operation of this hotel location. The Corporation is responsible for the collection of the transient occupancy tax from
the guests and payment of those tax revenues to the Tax Collector. The Corporation is liable for all applicable penalties inc luding, but
not limited to, the failure to collect and transmit the tax, for underreporting the tax, for failure to transmit the taxes to the Tax Collector,
for any misrepresentations contained in this application, or for any other violations of applicable law regarding the operati on of the
hotel location. Those penalties may include, but are not limited to, suspension and/or revocation of the certificate. If any information
included on this application should change, the Corporation agrees to inform the Tax Collector of those changes within five working
I declare under penalties of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this __________ day of _______________________, 20____, in _____________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ , a __________________________ corporation
Name of Corporation
State of Incorporation
By ___________________________________________ ______________________________________ _______________________________
Signature of Officer
Print Your Name
Hotel COA Application
Page 3 of 3
Rev. 4/11/12


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