Form Ap-118-3 - Texas Application For Manufactured Housing Sales Tax Permit Page 2

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Below is a listing of taxes and fees collected by the Comptroller of Public Accounts. If you are responsible for reporting or paying one of the listed
taxes or fees, and you do not have a permit or an account with us for this purpose, please obtain the proper application by calling 1-800-252-5555
or by visiting your local Enforcement field office.
Amusement Tax - If you engage in any business dealing with coin-oper-
population of more than 1,000 according to the most recent federal
ated machines OR engage in business to own or operate coin-operated
census and intend to do business in Texas, you must complete Form
machines exclusively on premises occupied by and in connection with
the business, you must complete Form AP-146 or Form AP-147.
Hotel Occupancy Tax - If you provide sleeping accommodations to
Automotive Oil Sales Fee - If you manufacture and sell automotive oil in
the public for a cost of $2 or more per day, you must complete Form
Texas; or you import or cause automotive oil to be imported into Texas
for sale, use, or consumption; or you sell more than 25,000 gallons of
automotive oil annually and you own a warehouse or distribution cen-
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) - If you operate qualified
ter located in Texas, you must complete Form AP-161.
motor vehicles which require you to be licensed under the Interna-
tional Fuel Tax Agreement, you must complete Form AP-178.
Battery Sales Fee - If you sell or offer to sell new or used lead acid
batteries, you must complete Form AP-160.
Manufactured Housing Sales Tax - If you are a manufacturer of
manufactured homes or industrialized housing engaged in busi-
Cement Production Tax - If you manufacture or produce cement in
ness in Texas, you must complete Form AP-118.
Texas, or you import cement into Texas and you distribute or sell cement
in intrastate commerce or use the cement in Texas, you must complete
Maquiladora Export Permit - If you are a maquiladora enterprise and
Form AP-171.
wish to make tax-free purchases in Texas for export to Mexico, you
must complete Form AP-153, to receive the permit.
Cigarette, Cigar and/or Tobacco Products Tax - If you wholesale,
distribute, store, or make retail sales of cigarettes, cigars, and/or
Motor Vehicle Seller-Financed Sales Tax - If you finance your sales
tobacco products, you must complete Form AP-175 or Form AP-193.
of motor vehicles and collect Motor Vehicle Sales Tax in periodic
payments, you must complete Form AP-169.
Coastal Protection Fee - If you transfer crude oil and condensate to or
from vessels at a marine terminal located in Texas, you must complete
Motor Vehicle Gross Rental Tax - If you rent motor vehicles in Texas,
Form AP-159.
you must complete Form AP-143.
Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production Taxes - If you produce and/or
Petroleum Products Delivery Fee - If you are required to be licensed
purchase crude oil and/or natural gas, you must complete Form AP-134.
under Texas Water Code, sec. 26.3574, you must complete Form
Direct Payment Permit - If you annually purchase at least $800,000 worth
of taxable items for your own use and not for resale, you must complete
Sales and Use Tax - If you engage in business in Texas; AND you sell
Form AP-101 to qualify for the permit.
or lease tangible personal property or provide taxable services in
Texas to customers in Texas; and/or you acquire tangible personal
Franchise Tax - If this entity does not have a franchise tax account, please
property or taxable services from out-of-state suppliers that do not
complete Form AP-114. (Does not apply to sole proprietorships or
hold a Texas Sales or Use Tax permit, you must complete Form
general partnerships directly owned by natural persons who are not
registered as a limited liability partnership.)
Sulphur Production Tax - If you own, control, manage, lease, or
Fuels Tax - If you are required to be licensed under Texas Fuels Tax Law,
operate a sulphur mine, well, or shaft, or produce sulphur by any
you must complete Form AP-133. If you transport motor fuel for others in this
method, system, or manner, you must complete Form AP-171.
state as a Common or Contract Carrier, you must complete Form AP-198.
Texas Customs Broker License - If you have been licensed by the
Gross Receipts Tax - If you provide certain services on oil and gas wells
United States Customs Service AND want to issue export certifica-
OR are a utility company located in an incorporated city or town having a
tions, you must complete Form AP-168.


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