Form 66-102 - Texas Battery Sales Fee Report

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Texas Battery Sales Fee Report
a. T Code
Type or print
Do not write in shaded areas.
c. Taxpayer number
d. Filing period
f. Due date
h. Blacken this box if your mailing address
has changed. Show changes beside
g. Name and mailing address (Make any necessary name or address changes below.)
preprinted information.
Blacken this box if you are no longer
in business, and enter the date
you went out of business below.
Instructions for Completing Texas Battery Sales Fee Report
under Chapters 552 and 559,
You have certain rights
Government Code, to review, request and correct
Who Must File -
Every person (sole owner, partnership, corporation or other organization) who is
information we have on file about you. Contact us at
responsible for collection and payment of the Texas Battery Sales Fee must file this report. Failure to
the address or phone number listed on this form.
file this return and pay the applicable fee may result in collection action as prescribed by Title 2 of the
Tax Code.
When to File -
This report must be filed on or before the 20th day of the month following the end of
each reporting period. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the next business
day will be the due date. Reports must be filed for every period even if no fee amount is due.
Amended Report -
If you are filing an amended report, write the word "AMENDED" on the front of
the report above the title "Texas Battery Sales Fee Report." The amended report must be completed
using replacement figures, not net adjustments.
Electronic reporting and payment options are
Definition -
"Lead-acid battery" means any new or used battery which contains lead and sulfuric acid.
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Have
The battery sales fee is imposed at a rate of $2 for a lead-acid battery with a capacity of less than 12
this form available when you log on.
volts; $3 for a lead acid battery with a capacity of 12 volts or more. A battery is exempt from this fee if
it has an ampere-hour rating of less than 10 ampere-hours, the sum of its dimensions (length, width,
and height) is less than 15 inches, and it is sealed to prevent maintenance.
1. Number of lead-acid batteries sold with capacity of less than 12 volts (See definition above)
2. Battery sales fee due at $2 per battery (Multiply Item 1 by 2.00)(Report dollars and cents)
3. Number of lead-acid batteries sold with capacity of 12 volts or more (See definition above)
4. Battery sales fee due at $3 per battery (Multiply Item 3 by 3.00)(Report dollars and cents)
5. Total number of batteries sold (Item 1 plus Item 3)
6. Taxpayer's discount at $.025 on number of batteries sold (Multiply Item 5 by .025)(Report dollars and cents)
7. Net battery sales fee due (Item 2 plus Item 4 minus Item 6)
66-102 (Rev.2-13/11)
8. Penalty due - If this report is filed or the fee due is paid after the due date, enter penalty.
- If 1-30 days late, enter 5% of the amount in Item 7.
- If more than 30 days late, enter 10% of the amount in Item 7.
9. Interest due - If any fee is unpaid 61 days after the due date, enter interest on the amount in Item 7. (Calculate
interest at the rate published at or call 1-877-447-2834 for the applicable interest rate.)
10. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE AND PAYABLE (Sum of Items 7, 8 and 9.)
Taxpayer name
T Code
Taxpayer number
I declare that the information in this document and any attachments is true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief.
Taxpayer or duly authorized agent
Comptroller of Public Accounts
Make the amount in Item 10
Mail to:
payable to:
P.O. Box 149360
Daytime phone
State Comptroller
Austin, TX 78714-9360
For assistance with any Battery Sales Fee question,
111 A
Details are also available online at


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